Cody Rhodes Is Aiming to Make WWE History

Hey there lovely people of the Hive Universe! It's your wrestling boy P, always happy to bring you content and updates on everything WWE, WOOGame, and Wrestling Worldwide

Cody Rhodes is trying his best in WWE. Cody Rhodes is not only interested in winning matches; he wants to be the most profitable wrestler that has ever appeared in that company.

It is a tall order, but after collecting WWE title belts at WrestleMania XL Cody realized how massive it really was.

It’s more than just him or his family’s history for Cody. They deserve every single thing they have done for him and more.

Think about Stone Cold Steve Austin and John Cena as money making machines for WWE, well Cody wants to be one too!

Some fans are afraid of what might happen if people find out about his business connections with large corporations. But I feel like this just gives another layer onto who he is as a person now. He isn’t only good-hearted trying to win matches anymore; now he’s an entrepreneur looking forward to make everything better for WWE

It’s a different tack than Dusty Rhodes might have taken, but wrestling is always changing and Cody is adjusting to this new era in WWE. He understands that being a top draw is part of the game and he’s ready to play it.

Certainly, it could make him less of a hero in the eyes of some fans. But John Cena had his detractors too, and those are the guys that Cody wants to surpass on the profitability ladder. So maybe being polarizing isn’t such a bad thing.

I can’t wait to see where he goes from here. It won’t be easy to become the most profitable WWE talent of all time, but if there’s anyone who can do it, it’s the American Nightmare himself. And who knows — maybe he’ll change what we think about wrestling heroes along the way.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below!

Thanks for reading, y'all!



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