The Path to Psychological Freedom



The ability to perturb the mind and the mind just letting it happen it is the source of all suffering
we can't stop things from arising in consciousness, we can't avoid the results of bad actions. but once something arises in consciousness there's so much extra processing that we can manipulate
like the production of subjective stress and pain is something that happens after the initial arising of a thing into consciousness, and its a process that you can consciously get in the way of
you can stop the initial arising from causing stress, and making this a habit means you never experience the stress unless you want to, you become indifferent to the presence of stress because you know you can easily get rid of it if it was around for some reason
importantly, you don't lose any of the information presented to consciousness, so this is different from rejecting anything
you get all the info and a much clearer mind to process that info with
clinging is a psychological factor that most disturbs our free will
this path only wants to remove clinging to free people
but it does free people, completely, even from themselves. to a point where the concept of person can't be said to apply to them (except physically since you'd still have a human body) since they have no clinging to it
our will is not free atm, its controlled by many competing psychological factors, that want to compete for the minds energies like natural selection
but our power to change our perceptions by learning new information means that we can free the mind, and make the minds energy its own again.
