Clean Sheet Through Wish

“My there Mr Right, where are you? I'm dying to see you and to see your handsome face”, Antonia said while gazing at the stars at night.
She has been longing for a nice and good man who can take care of her to her satisfaction. Several men have come to her but all in the name of wanting to take what she has. They only needed her fame but not her love.
Daniel came to her one evening and said, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you be my woman?” Antonia looked at him and saw a handsome beautiful man and a glowing star deep within him. She doesn't know if he aimed to come to take his share of her wealth.

Andre Moura
“You are handsome and look exactly like my type, but I don't know what you have in your heart. It seems you aimed to come and collect your share of my wealth”, Antonia said after giving Daniel a critical observation.
“My intentions are clear, and I have no such thoughts in me. What I have for you is a deep love, which I saw no one have for you”, Daniel replied.
“You are my type, but my hunch has never deceived me for once. Please go from here. Just leave me alone”, Antonia said.
“I will go, but will always come back to you with the same heart”, Daniel replied.
Nat came to Antonia and professed his love for her. Nat is a professional when it comes to twisting girls. He used all his strength and at last Antonia fell for her. They began dating.
“Please, honey! Can you please give me some money to take care of something important?” Nat said.
“Within a few minutes, she transferred the sum to his account. “Don't worry, I will return it in due time. I'm expecting my salary”, Nat said, but deep inside of him was just smiling.
“Yes, I have caught this big fish. Yes… I will turn her to my ATM regardless of what”, Nat professed to himself.
A week later, Nat came with sweet and beautiful flowers and handed them to Antonia.
“Wow! They are beautiful. Thanks a lot”, Antonia said and gave Nat a considerable kiss. She felt fantastic and happy after receiving the flowers. “No man has ever bought me a gift before. You are the first”, she confessed to Nat.
Nat smiled while having a different thought and plan “Don't worry, I will gain from you before you know it”.
Two days later, Nat came to Antonia with a consoled look. The look on his face would show the sign of something not good enough. “What's the problem, Nat?” Antonia asked.
“It's nothing”, not pretend.
“I don't think so. Just let me know what the problem is”, Antonia insisted.
“Don't worry, I will solve it myself”, Nat said.
“I'm worried. Just tell me what it is”, Antonia I sister yet again.
“OK, if you insist, then I will tell you,” Nat replied.
“I want to hear it”, Antonia said.
“The goods I was expecting were stocked in the seaport just because of money. I must send $2000 just to clear the goods and to send them to me directly “, Nat lied.
“I will send you the money, are you happy now?” Antonia replied.
After an hour, Nat began to give Antonia calls when he had gone. “When will you transfer the amount?” Nat said.
“Don't worry, I will send it in the morning “, Antonia replied, but then she began to sense foul play.
At night, she sat beside her window and saw a shooting star. She smiled and immediately started pouring out her wish. “I have two wishes to pour out presently “, she said to herself.
“The first is that, if Nat is truly meant for me, he must not call me until the time I had fixed to send him the money, but if he is neither for me nor of clean mind, let him call.”
“My second wish: let my dream man come to me if Nat is not mine, come this same time”, Antonia poured out her mind as she wished.
Immediately she was done making her wish, Nat called “Hello dear. Those with the goods are seriously disturbing me to the brim. I need to send this money to them just to clear off my mind and also to let my mind be at peace”.
Antonia was shocked as she was short of words.
“I knew you were not coming for good. You aim to collect your share of my wealth. You did not love me. So, I'm not sending you any money”, Antonia replied.
“But, why will you say that? I love you to my last breath, and I also need this money to clear the goods”, Nat replied.
“Forget it. It's over between us ”, Antonia replied and placed his line on the blacklist.
In the morning, Daniel was passing by and sighted Antonia. He immediately rushed down to her and said: “My love. I have been waiting for you to come to me”.
“I did not remember telling you to wait for me”, Antonia replied.
“I know, but I just required you in my life. I want you badly and will never get you out of my mind”, Daniel confessed.
Antonia later remembered her wish to find her dream man at that same time. “Could this be the dream coming to reality? Could it be what I wished for last night?” Antonia was trying to doubt, but then she called Daniel and asked him “What do you want from me?”
“Love and nothing else”, Daniel replied wholeheartedly.
They started dating but not until a month later. Daniel was the one spending money on Antonia and taking her for outings. He had never for once, asked for a penny from Antonia, and this made her finalize her doubt. She began to love Daniel in return, and they were doing things together. Their love became the talk of the town, and they got married.
This was how her wish became a reality.


Anthonia was quite unlucky with deceitful men. Its so unfortunate that she had a good heart but met men who took advantage of her.
Gladly, the right man came as she wished.
It feels more now to me to stare at the Star and make my wishes too.


Antonia has sure gone through a lot with deceitful men, I'm glad her wish became a reality


Glad the story ended in Antonia's favour after she had gone through several heartbreaks. Well done 👍


Well, it is nice she got to meet someone who really wanted her for real at the end.


Deceitful people are those who she always met, but this time she got her real man..


It's a good thing the star took Daniel, so he had the opportunity to choose his partner well and be happy.



It was so great that Daniel was the truthful type.
