Our Children and the Internet

The contents found online are sometimes educational, while some are not. Nowadays, so many people are running after the bad contents seen online. Even those creating good contents have deviated just because they are not seeing enough subscribers.

Julia M. Cameron

To be sincere, no one loves seeing educational contents, as they have seen those as contents they would rather not see in their lives. Trending contents are those with rubbish and those that everyone wants to go for. Viewing those contents, I guess, gave those people joy.

I have seen so many people watching that rubbish, and then they would like to watch more of it. Watching over and over again is their hobby if I may say. Seeing girls dancing naked, exposing their parts. All these things are not worth it and do not sound so good to the eyes of our kids.

Kids would want to carry out what they have seen and, if watched, would want to practice what they have watched. This is why they take their minds very far from the Internet, especially contents that are not relevant to their academics.

Most parents always want to buy Android phones for their kids, all in the name of education. They do not know what their kids are doing with the phones with them.

Sometimes, kids would pretend to be reading something from the Internet, such as assignments or projects, but somehow doing that in pretence. Our children need to be watched and cautioned in what they watch on the Internet.

I remembered some time ago when my husband came back from work, he was saying what had happened with his students. Some of his students came with phones and were using their phones to watch rubbish on the Internet. They went to Facebook and TikTok. They were watching some kinds of things they were not supposed to watch. This got the principal angry and seized all the phones of those involved, and also seized the phones he saw with any of the students.

Sporadically, the students needed to be watched properly or else would do what they were not supported to do with their phones.

To be sincere, students were not supposed to own a phone until they were out of secondary school. This would help them face their studies instead of watching videos of naked people on the Internet.

The parents would give keen instructions to their children as to the use of phones and also warned their children to desist from entering TikTok or Facebook, where that rubbish is being posted.

Typically, the students would want to collect their parents' phones to get their assistant done. They should be given, but with keen monitoring. Most kids are wise and can pretend to be doing something reasonable, whereas I have gone very deep into the Internet. This is why they must be monitored strictly.

Majorly, the platform owners cannot be controlled, as they can post whatever they want to post at any time. The only thing is that a strict warning should be passed to restrict the kind of post made on the Internet, most especially on Facebook and TikTok.

Apart from that, everyone is entitled to post anything since it is not adult content. It is just that our kids are just too wise towards the use of phones. They can even operate phones more than us, their parents. Leaving our phones with them can be so dangerous.


This were things that use to happen in our days. Many were not privilege to use phone till they were done with secondary school. And it had a way of helping them grow up in a better version.


Bad contents are quite distracting. I believe the access to phones can be leveraged upon to better their learning while censoring and prohibiting such contents. We all roles to play and even in schools, serious sanctions should be put in place
