The Subtle Act Of Not Giving A F*ck: My Review

Don't try when you know you cannot do it, but try when your ability can take what your heart desires. While reading this book, I came to understand that in life, we just need to be good at what we are known for, but somehow, when we deviate, something will make us losers. When your handwork is not showing forth, then your way of thinking will be distracted.


While reading through the first chapter, I was a little confused, but after reading through the story that was told by the writer, Mark Manson, it became clearer to my understanding.

In chapter two, I saw something so shocking. I kept saying, Why would the writer say “happiness is a problem?” But when I kept reading ahead, I got to understand his standpoint.

When you feel you need something to be happy, then you have invited problems into your life. The poor would say I wanted to get rich, forgetting the happiness they had been enjoying. Everyone feels happiness is just happiness, but we can in so many ways invite difficulties into our lives when we are happy. The rich would say, “I want to change my look since I'm looking awkward," but after changing their looks, difficulties would emerge.


I remember Michael Jackson, who had face surgery. He was doing so fine, but later did he know that he had invited enough difficulties for himself. His face started wearing away in due time. This was not what he was expecting. Life is not always what we think it should be, and sporadically no one knows which path to follow.

Following the path of suffering, we have all suffered in one way or another, but knowing the value of our suffering matters most. When you suffer and forget the way you suffered, it is not the best, but knowing the value can make you tighten up your belt to face reality.

There is a statement in chapter six, pages 118, of this book that I strongly disagree with.

*** It's easier to sit in a painful certainty that nobody would find you attractive or that nobody appreciates your talents than to actually test those beliefs and find out for sure.

To make it clearer, when you bring out your talents, that is when people will see the best part of you, and to crown it all, a problem taken out is a problem half solved. When you have your painful aspect of life, then it will take you down completely.


I also disagree with this word in chapter six, page 119 of the book.

We don't actually know what a positive or negative experience is. ***

I don't accept this fact. We all know what is positive and negative, except for the fact that we might think the writing is wrong, whereas someone else would see it as the opposite. We have different ways of viewing things and words since we are all humans.

There are some things we may conclude that would seem wrong, but to the heart of the owner, they are actually right. We always know someone by their look, but not by his or her mind. The mind would look either dirty or pure, but the outer look of that person may look either naughty or decent. So, judging someone is just not good every so often. We need to observe critically before drawing a conclusion.

When you are being rejected, don't hesitate to accept it because it's a way of improving your life. Most people do look down on themselves after people look down on them, which will in turn make them do what they are supposed not to do. Some would go to the extent of committing suicide. That's not your call, but fine-tuning your life would be the best.

I tried to read through, but discovered that chapter five was missing from the book. I don't know if this would be the same for everyone buying this book.

This book is good, but I would only give it 60% since it has added some value to me.


I've seen this book a number of times. It should fall in the self-help/motivational category. While I like that the title is somewhat daring, I feel like I can yell what it's about.
Might get around to reading it someday, or not. But at least, I hot to learn a thing from your review.
