Convincing Victory Using "Ranged Attack Only" Units - Splinterlands Social Media Challenge



Welcome to another edition of my Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. While it is no secret that I love to use Ranged Attack units I haven't tested them thoroughly when there is no huge tank on their front. But this time I pulled a victory only using ranged units with no two fat tanks on the front.

I think I achieved victory because the ranged units I am using were complimented by Prophet Rosa, a summoner that gives a +2 ranged attack to two ranged units in a team. Once in a while, I am also able to beat 500-600 ranked players using the core of Propher Rosa + Nimbledook Ranger + Mar Toren Seeker + a Fat tank.

Check out the gameplay below

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Summoner: Prophet Rosa

For this team, the perfect Summoner is Prophet Rosa. She gives a +2 ranged attack to two ranged units on the team. She perfectly compliments Nimbledook Ranger and Mar Toren Seeker.

First Position - Coastal Nymph

I could have give Coastal Nymph the +2 buff but I decided that it would be perfect to just buff Mar Toren Seeker and Nimbledook Ranger and also because I think that Coastal Nymph can last a little longer because she has 2 armor and 7 health.

Second Position - Supply Runner

I am just happy to have Supply Runner on this team because of the 2 ranged attack and a mid-tier 4 health.

Third Position - Xenith Archer

Same with Supply Runner I am happy to have Xenith Archer on this team because which she can buy the team a round or two before she dies.

Fourth Position - Nimbledook Ranger

Nimbledook is the heavy-hitter of this team because of his Double Strike and Snipe ability and with Prophet Rosa's buff of +2 for ranged units his attack becomes 3 and with a double strike it becomes 6. That 6 damage is huge.

Fifth Position - Mar Toren Seeker

Mar Toren Seeker is a perfect compliment for Nimbledook on this team because he also attacks what Nimbledook attacked (if still alive). With the combo of Mar Toren Seeker and Nimbledook Ranger there surely a dead enemy unit on each round.

That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional
