Splinterlands 6 Year Anniversary - A Bright Future and Using Opportunity Ability to Your Advantage



Welcome to another edition of my Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. It has been a very fruitful 6 years of existence for Splinterlands. The community has become more vibrant and the game has become one of the best play-to-earn games in existence. There is no doubt that the future of the game as a whole is very bright. It has become more and more exciting to play this game.

How I found Splinterlands

I first found out about Splinterlands when it was still on the old chain in 2018. I joined a year later after it was launched.

How long I have been playing Splinterlands

I first immersed myself by playing the game's tutorial and then I joined the game in 2019. After I joined I practiced and learned the game's mechanics so that I could excel on the game. Up until this time, I have been playing the game.

How much time I spent on Splinterlands daily

More than an hour or two or when I have already used up all my 50 energy

What are my accomplishments

I am in the Bronze III league with a rating of 260. But the deck that I am using is able to beat players with 500-600 Ratings.

What are my future goals

My future goal is to achieve the next league which is Bronze II and if possible Bronze I.

My advice for beginners and to those who want to join Splinterlands

Playing the tutorial is a must. After you play the tutorial you "MUST" also learn the stats of the cards and then adjust accordingly.

Using Opportunity to your Advantage


This team is melee-heavy, by using Underboss Fabino two of your melee units can get a +2 melee attack, that's an additional +4 melee attack each round. With Endless Ape, the units with Opportunity ability can be alive for more rounds. Add up Gobson Sniper with Snipe and Cripple plus Swell Spore Beast that cannot miss this team is formidable. I even beat a 500-600 rating player with this one.

Summoner: Underboos Fabino

I used Underboss Fabino to get the +2 melee attack. Having an additional attack of 2 for melee is good for the melee-heavy team.

Position 1 - Endless Ape

Since I used Underboss Fabino I used Endless Ape as my tank and it will get a +2 melee attack from Underboss Fabino.

Position 2 - Mad Ogre Anarchist

Here is where the team is strong, using Opportunity. With the huge tank on Endless Ape, Mad Ogre Anarchist can stay alive for more rounds inflicting more damage in the process.

Position 3 - Goblin Tower

Gobline Tower is good because it can inflict damage from adjacent enemy creatures, with the protection of Endless Ape, this unit can inflict damage for more rounds.

Position 4 - Swell Spore Beast

Swell Spore Beast is very good on this team because it cannot miss a target. Imagine inflicting damage each round and does not miss. It can inflict more damage with the protection of Endless Ape.

Position 5 - Gobson Sniper

One of the best units in this team is Gobson Sniper, it is a unit with Snipe and has the cripple ability, imagine this unit staying alive for more rounds with the protection of Endless Ape, that's 3 damage per round.

Position 6 - Mycelic Morphoid

This unit is good, you can easily add him to your team for an additional 1 melee attack until it dies. It for sure will last longer because of Endless Ape.

Join Splinterlands by clicking my referral link below

That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional


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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

