A few thoughts...


So, recently pharesim and engrave have written controversial posts on chain about me, my actions, and my communication with them. I’m replying publicly and transparently to them here. Please find a brief timeline and thoughts regarding said timeline.


  1. Splinterlands proposal is close to passing.
  2. I get involved and start requesting people to vote for the proposal.
  3. The Splinterlands proposal now passes the return proposal
  4. pharesim votes the return proposal to block splinterlands from receiving funds
  5. I tell splinterlands players that pharesim has blocked the splinterlands proposal by upvoting the return proposal
  6. Splinterlands players unvote Pharesim’s witness and he moves to position 20
  7. pharesim’s witness is now low enough I can upvote witness 21 and 22 to move pharesim out of the top 20. I vote both of those witnesses to reposition pharesim.
  8. pharesim writes a public post
  9. engrave write a public post
  10. smooth votes the return proposal

Splinterlands proposal is close to passing.

Matt wrote a proposal and it was close to passing, but it didn’t have enough votes to pass. Matt is not terribly political. After 2 days of the 180 total days of falling short of passing the return proposal I decided that I would engage.

Aggy gets involved and starts requesting people to vote for the proposal.

I didn’t ask Matt or talk to him about it. I just started asking people to vote for the proposal. My process was to look at people voting the return and people voting other proposals that were not voting for the Splinterlands proposal and ask them to vote for the splinterlands proposal and unvote the return proposal. My goal was to get the splinterlands proposal passing. My general message was brief, to the point, and one of the following:
A. “Hey XXX, please vote for the splinterlands proposal”
B. “Hey XXX, please unvote the return proposal”
C. “Hey XXX, please vote the splinterlands proposal and unvote the return proposal”

The Splinterlands proposal now passes the return proposal

My efforts were successful and after 24 hours of asking people to vote for the proposal it finally started passing. Thanks to all the lovely people supporting splinterlands. We’ve been through a lot and I’m grateful for those that have stuck with us through the longest bear I’ve endured in crypto.

pharesim votes the return proposal to block splinterlands from receiving funds

pharesim sees that splinterlands is above the return proposal and votes to increase the return proposal and thus block splinterlands from getting these funds. pharesim has a number of ways he could have chosen to share his concerns with the proposal like messaging us privately, posting on the original proposal, or posting publicly. Those are constructive ways to engage the post. He instead chose to vote the return proposal after the splinterlands proposal was passing. That’s less constructive and seems actively hostile.

Aggy tells splinterlands players that pharesim has blocked the proposal

I noticed the new large vote on the return proposal and informed players that pharesim was upvoting the return and the timing made it seem as if he was specifically attempting to block splinterlands from getting funding from the dao. His DMs would later confirm that.

Splinterlands players unvote Pharesim’s witness and he moves to position 20

Players on their own accord without any cajoling from me went and unvoted pharesim’s witness. As a result of these unvotes pharesim’s witness was reduced to position 20.

Pharesim’s witness is now low enough I can upvote witness 21 and 22 to move pharesim out of the top 20. I vote both those witnesses to purposefully reposition pharesim.

I noticed that pharesim’s position was actually low enough and position 21 and 22 were high enough such that votes with accounts I control can change the position of pharesim from 20 to 22. I did this by voting for engrave and mahdiyari.

Pharesim writes a public post

pharesim wrote a post from his perspective about these events. I think it avoids accountability of his choices. I think the post is a prime example of reasons I don’t vote for him. As far as I can tell pharesim made a bad decision of non-constructively blocking the splinterlands proposal by upvoting the return proposal without first having a constructive discussion of his concerns regarding the proposal on chain or through private messages. His non-constructive (bordering on hostile) decisions cost him votes. That’s part of being a witness. There are better ways to handle proposal concerns and better ways he can handle interpersonal challenges than what he wrote.

Engrave also writes a post regarding the above events.

In his post he’s claiming I’m forcing him to do something. Engrave doesn’t seem to appreciate the timeline of events or understand the definition of force. I already voted his witness. That decision wasn’t predicated on his vote for the splinterlands proposal. I informed him of the vote and requested that he vote for the splinterlands proposal and unvote the return proposal. It was a stronger ask than some of the other asks I've made, but it's in the same vein as every request that I make. "Please vote for this thing I'm canvasing for." I also mix it up to "I'm requesting that you vote for X." If he didn’t want to vote for it a simple “I don’t support it” would have sufficed, but instead he went on chain and declared erroneously that I was “forcing him to vote for Splinterlands.” This is also a demonstration of poor choice of witness behavior and actions. There are lots of constructive ways to air his concerns or grievances. The post he wrote isn’t a good example of one of those ways.

Smooth votes for the return proposal

I haven't spoken to him, but presumably smooth was swayed by the post by engrave and or pharesim to vote for the return proposal and now Splinterlands is 4M votes from passing

Smooth, I'm not sure what part of this made you vote the return proposal, but here's my response and I'm requesting that you remove your vote from the return proposal and allow the splinterlands proposal to be funded. Here's hoping this letter clarifies my actions in light of how they were described.

What is this all about?

Ultimately, what I want is for this chain to grow.

At the top of that are witnesses who are pro-business, welcoming to hivians, who allow a large range of discussion, and focus on growing this overall ecosystem.

At this particular moment I would like the splinterlands proposal to pass. I think splinterlands as a business and hive as a chain are both better off if the splinterlands proposal passes and in general I'm requesting that people remove votes from the return proposal and add votes to the splinterlands proposal so the funding is available. If YOU are reading this and have votes to spare I'm publicly requesting that you support us.

peakd.com/proposals to find the ones in question.

A healthy splinterlands also leads to a healthy hive-engine, which is an anchor for many projects on here. The two projects are symbiotic and even though there's not actual financial exchange between them growing splinterlands is good for hive-engine, and hive-engine is good for all the apps in the the overall ecosystem.

Getting pulled back into this reminds me of some of the reasons I stopped witnessing, but also some of my greivances with current witnesses who I think lack the skills and intention necessary to grow the hive ecosystem for everyone, help attract and retain new users, and make this a non-toxic, professional, business-friendly chain. Here's hoping these publicly transparent exchanges can help shape and determine how people on chain welcome and support businesses that choose to build and grow on hive.

I hope this clarifies my thoughts and actions and thank you to those who support me personally, splinterlands, invennium, hive-engine, and many thanks to the many hivians who act professionally to grow the chain, retain engaged users, welcome new minnows, and make this chain a welcome place for creating a business.


Dr. Blair Jesse Ellyn Reich
Aka aggroed


You all ppl are backbone to splinterlands and hive. I hope it won't be a coldwar.


Well said!

As I've said before, this is a test of whether decentralised blockchains actually have any valid use case beyond Bitcoin.

BTC doesn't need to change, adapt and compete.

But HIVE does! Can we do it?

There are all these centralised, expensive to run shitcoins out there with big VC money to attract good project like Splinterlands. They are not sustainable in the long term but in the short term they can steal Hive's best projects and cause them to move and then ultimately fail when the centralised chain fails from lack of external funding and too high running costs.

HIVE needs to use the DHF to at least keep our anchor tenant, which comprises the vast majority of transactions on the chain.


It blows my mind as a so called "decentralized" blockchain that 3-10 people can pass or block a proposal for the DHF. Nothing about that is decentralized at all. If it was up to me the DHF wouldn't even exist it's done nothing but become a piggy bank of money exiting hive and the projects being funded have driven nothing comparable to the expenses they have taken on and it's always the same FEW people. Again nothing decentralized about that at all. I think it's pretty clear though that Splinterlands has brought in more people to hive, more publicity and users and funds to hive then any current DHF program and also has contributed far more then the $500,000 being asked for.

This battling of a few people is what tarnishes hive and why a vast majority of people leave and don't want to invest being of this shaking non supportive structure that's in place.


Ohh ye.
Us the small users vote doesn't really make a difference xD


Ninjamine should've stayed on Steem, with Hive development funded out of witness rewards; but we got this ugly mess instead.


I think this whole return proposal threshold appraoch is a terrible idea that leaves Hive open to abuse.

Setting aside the merits of the Splinterlands proposal, there are many proposals made that are of terrrible quality and often amount to nothing more than mates helping each other out, with no thoughts at all to costs and benefits to Hive.

There also appears to be zero accountability in place at all.

None of this is good, profesional, or welcoming....


Well said aggroed.
I think that splinterlands and hive work best together and are a big part of the growth that we have seen to date. I think that you and matt have added a lot to our chain and our community as have smooth and other witnesses and devs.

If we ever want to see hive and progress then it's important that the few of us who have been here since early days try to work together, progress the chain both technologically and financially which we have not done to this point.

Too much time and energy has been wasted on fighting over peanuts instead of all working towards a common goal of growing our chain and bringing in new users and developments.

We need more businesses to increase the price of hive which will lead to more interest and developments. We have people working hard on the technology side but it all needs to grow together.



This is one of the most positive comments in this thread!

I believe all this sniping and throwing shade going on is counterproductive. I see it on the Blog side, and in Discord.

Hive has its politics as every organization does. Differences of opinion are no reason to burn it all down.

I woud expect that witnesses and large stake holders would try to work things out, find a comprimise. HIVE and SPLINTERLANDS are good for each other, that is a nobrainer.

Peace, Abundance, and Liberty let that prevail in this discussion of what is best for both the HIVE Blockchain and Splinterlands!


by upvoting the return proposal without first having a constructive discussion of his concerns regarding the proposal on chain or through private messages. His non-constructive (bordering on hostile) decisions cost him votes. That’s part of being a witness. There are better ways to handle proposal concerns and better ways he can handle interpersonal challenges than what he wrote.

But couldn't the same be said for you? When I found out @pharesim upvoted the return proposal, I asked him what it would take to get his support. His response seemed reasonable to me.

The exchange between the two of you which he posted also could have been more constructive. It came off as a sort of strong arming the situation and I suspect that's probably the reason why the return proposal is up so much higher now.

Cooler heads prevail on all sides and I hope you, @smooth, @engrave and everybody else can get together and talk things out because I believe that the continued success of @splinterlands is good for Hive and both of those need a win.


Yeah, that's fair. I'm a little rusty at this.


That's big of you to say. I feel there's room for common ground here. For your information, here's what Pharesim said could get him lead towards his support.



That's big of you to say. I feel there's room for common ground here. For your information, here's what Pharesim said could lead towards his support.



I look forward to hearing what the other projects being funded by the DHF are giving in kickbacks? untitled.gif


So start with a solid plan for the funds... or at least a general plan for the funds.


The general plan is to hire marketing team! Haha then from there the marketing team could provide details on how to best use those funds. None of them are marketers, so how could they get any more specific than that at the moment without the experts hired?


Have they looked at prospective marketing firms and held initial conversations with them? Have they gotten any price quotes? Have they gotten any kind of statements on what those firms think they could accomplish with the given funds? What

They mention other things besides marketing as well. What are the details for the non-marketing expenses?


Yeah, having a few consultations beforehand to provide some general estimates of a couple options at least would be good to present. Although, as long as they provide updates/transparency on how the money is being used maybe on a monthly basis or something I personally don't mind not worrying about the details upfront.


A monthly basis? That's 80k handed out before we know what'll happen with it.


Was just an example! Which was why I said "or something"...Everyone's comfortability is subjective in regards to how frequently they'd like details, but finding a balance/compromise will be needed. And by that I also mean by giving enough time to the team with the funds (knowing they'll have the funds) to come up with a game plan to provide us. They're heads are down to the ground with fixing/improving the new player experience/player experience/ onboarding, so I could see how making a major game plan right now for funds there's no guarantee they'll receive while also not having some of the experts they need to provide such a plan could potentially be a waste of their time & energy currently.


Which other proposal is created by a company that mismanaged their own funds?


I like it when you are more fairminded, Aggy!


I know that you asked several people to unvote me. Liar.

Also, why should I repeat the criticism of the proposal that many people have brought forward, and they all were ignored? If you wanted to work in a constructive way, the proposal would have been updated with a clear plan how the money will be spent instead of you using your contacts to big stakeholders to punish someone who doesn't do what you want. Then we all could've made an informed decision if we support the plan.


A plan for the funding have been published


Regarding personal interactions; I think you have room to improve yourself, just like aggy does. This morning the way you have treated me, your friend for 6 years, is probably something that needs improvement.

No matter the outcome of any proposal or witness votes, we are human. I want to be treated as one. I don't think you did that this morning.

For the record. I have no witness, I do not own any project, and I don't care what happens to my investment. None of my interactions were driven by that. And yet, since I didn't agree with you on this, you have mistreated me.

Now I get mistreated all the time, it is not an issue; but coming from a friend and for no aparent reason; it hurts more.


A plan for the funding have been published

One hour ago. A little late, don't you agree?

You told me this would be the consequences of my actions. If you're okay with voting according to my values having negative consequences in a unrelated matter, I misjudged you all this time. Good to finally see your hypocrisy.


Yes. Late for sure. By 8 days?

Proposal have many months left. I have seen numerous funded proposals without a cost breakdown. There are many currently on the docket.

None of my action has anything to do with vote. No one asked me to vote this or that. I said even if they did to me (which nobody did) it would be fine. Because people lobby for a cause all the time.

I have asked people to vote. You have asked people to vote. There are things we agree, there are things we don't agree. There is no need to any drama.

What I said to you, I stand by it. As a human, all our actions have consequences. Yours have too. This is a life advise and this is also a fact. I stand by my comment. Fortunately, I can share my thought in public, the language that you have used against me this morning, you will be ashamed to repeat.


This should've been part of the original proposal. Or added as soon as people asked for it.

I don't mind asking for votes. I do mind putting others down who don't vote the way you want.

Speaking of consequences, how's the proposal doing?


I agree, that this should have been part of the original proposal. But life happens, and people get busy. I have many other things on my plate, so does Matt. I have requested the feedback regarding this earlier to Matt. I got busy and he got busy.

And you also know why I am busy. I will be going through a major surgery. You know that. No one else does (until now). Why, because you are my friend. I am sorry, but I am slowly loosing my senses on my fingers, so it is hard for me to type. This is a symptom for the condition that I am having.

Regarding consequence. I think the proposal is doing fine. It is not my proposal, but I do support it. I believe there are other people support it too. If the combined net support gets higher than the return proposal it will be funded.

Now if you excuse me, I need to stop typing, because I can't feel my fingers.


This isn't about you or Matt being busy, it's about aggy blackmailing, bribing and bullying. Well, and you defending him, which felt like a kick to the stomach.

If the combined net support gets higher that the return proposal it will be funded.

It was funded. Without this fuckery it still would be. And in this case the consequence is justified by the action.


Yes, I again agree.

Let me know what can I do to make you feel better.


For now, please focus on next week and get better as soon as possible. This isn't worth the stress, you have people who depend on you in much more profound ways.

Sorry for wishing you ill, that was not okay.

I don't hold grudges in general, but I learned in many hours of therapy to expect more from a friend. Telling me it's my own fault that someone goes on a vendetta against me just because you support their cause is definitely not it.


Thank you. If you stop typing, I will too.

I do have people who care for me. I am very well loved. I am Indian. We have large extended family as you very well know. And yes, they do depend on me emotionally.


I am not Aggy. Aggy is not CEO of SL. Matt is not Aggy.

If you have a problem with Aggy, you two need to sort it out yourselves. It is not necessary to involve others or make a public drama about it.

I haven't defended anything. I only said your actions have consequences. So does Aggy's, so does mine.


I didn't have a problem with him before this. I did tell you that I do not condone the backroom deals you're also involved with, but I kept quiet. Until I was attacked personally.


You still need to separate your feelings from this proposal.

Just cos you may have been mistreated is not a reason to take it out on the Splinterlands community...


Huh? You miss a lot of context it seems. Where did I go against any community?


Good luck on your surgery AZ . That is far more important than all this!


I just feel like there's an opportunity here for better language. There's a bridge here that's worth being built, and disrespect is the biggest barrier to it. Let's try to get on the same page.


Unvote comment- I should clarify that there were multiple people that acted entirely of their own accord and I made a handful of requests. The statement as it reads is true, but doesn't include the other part, which I've done here.

Repeat the criticism- a short line about you concurring with someone else would be great as it conveys the concern without much work on your part. It's a reality of stakeweighted dpos that you have asymetric considerations of accounts expressing concerns.

Big stakeholders to punish- I contend that voting your stake how you think it ought to be used is a fundamental aspect of this chain. you can vote the proposal. others can downvote posts or alter witness votes. that's been fair game as long as I've been here.

Hindsight I could have paused to ask why you were downvoting the second the proposal passed, but at the time it definitely felt like you were attacking this project. Sorry I escalated quickly.


a short line about you concurring with someone else would be great as it conveys the concern without much work on your part. It's a reality of stakeweighted dpos that you have asymetric considerations of accounts expressing concerns.

Just because someone doesn't have a big stake, their concerns aren't less valid. Just shows how you are used to backroom deals and using your stake to blackmail and bribe.
I followed the public discussion, and wasn't satisfied by the replies. That's your fault

you can vote the proposal. others can downvote posts or alter witness votes.

And that you conflate the different types of votes, and think using one to enforce another, doesn't make you look good either.

Maybe you should just be quiet and meditate a bit.


I would like to rebut the idea that

"Just because someone doesn't have a big stake, their concerns aren't less valid."

I have been trying to reach out to senior Hivers in a professional way for over 6 months and have repeatedly been ignored or just been told that my ideas don't count cos i only have 70hp.

Hive is not at all welcoming to people that do not have big stakes and it is missing out on good inpuit because of this.

We all need to do better abnde I would like to ask you to set a good example....


If you bought 1 share in Apple, would you expect the large stakeholders to listen to your ideas?

HIVE reflects this in a similar way. That's the way of the world whether you like it or not.


I don't think that is a viable comparison to be honest, not least cos there is no such thing as "the way of the world". That phrase is as big a copout as "nothing personal, omly business", beloved of crooks and thieves everywhere!

As I have found out over the last few months, Hive is a decentralised social media platform primarily, which is a brilliant idea.

However, just as Bitcoin is better money, we need to be a better community in which all voices are valued, not just a clique of oldtimers, which is what it is now....

Both Splinterlanders and Hivers need to do better.


Many of the large stakeholders are 'oldtimes' not in the sense of their real age but the time they have lived here.

Would you have someone who joined yesterday making big decisions? They care in their own way, and of course it's about money..., what else?


yes, i totally meant in terms of having been on hive a long time and nothing ageist.

size of stake should not be weaponised and surely newcomers should be at least heard, rather than dismissed like presumptious children? 🙂


and surely newcomers should be at least heard, rather than dismissed like presumptious children?

I'm a decent size holder and am talking to you 😃
When I joined here, it was the same for me. Stake holds weight and voice, but I remember the early days and wanted more.., that's me.


I have been trying to reach out to senior Hivers in a professional way for over 6 months and have repeatedly been ignored or just been told that my ideas don't count cos i only have 70hp.

And in my view, this is a problem.
I don't even look at wallets when I talk to someone.


Maybe we could have a chat then please? I promise nothing more than coherence, doability and transparency... 😀


How come Splinterlands needs more money? Did you guys do a Fundraising?

What about the other games on hive, how are they staying afloat if it takes so much money to run & build a game?

How is this not just a misuse of funds? Oo


blockchain devs are expensive.s

Growing this game and ecosystem is probably the single most valuable thing that can happen on this chain given it is accounting for most of the activity on the chain.


Transparency Report incoming from last 4 years? where's all the money gone from 2021`s hype?


Wishful thinking is always worth it! :D
Maybe Aggroed doesn't know where the money went & thats why they need more money? :D


Is that a yes or a no, to misuse of funds??


2 Kickstarters even - both of which I threw money at, plus bought land, packs and licenses - so I scratch my head with the vague initial proposal.


It just seems like bad management x)


If I'm asking for funding, I'd need to publish a proposal.

If it doesn't gain enough traction, it might not be approved. I would have no choice but to accept that. My fault. I'd need to do better.

Before going ahead with it, it's my responsibility to understand all the ins and outs of the proposal system. Everyone can participate, including those against. I need to be aware of that and accept how the system is designed. It is to be expected, at any given moment, a roadblock could appear. This does not remove my ability to receive funding, I simply need to gather more support to get over the hurdle.

At any point, people are free to remove support, add support, vote for the return proposal. The first month I might not have enough support. The second month could be a good month for me. The third month I could be right back where I started, looking for more support.

No matter how popular or unpopular an idea is, it's the same system for all.

When it comes to that SPL proposal, maybe the solution is something simpler. Read it. What if I said that to you? I realize fans of the game will support blindly. I realize the threatening tone creates panic. Straight out of the gates, everyone in support feels like they're backed into a corner. Meanwhile others are asking for more information on how the money is to be used. The answers aren't clear. The proposal itself doesn't even include directions on how to support or a link. The post itself has more votes than the proposal. Maybe there was some confusion. Things should be clear and the target audience is everyone, not just large stakeholders in a panic.

Why not attempt to solve those issues at least? Talking about business. Handle it.

After everything was said and done here, the return proposal now sits at roughly 29m HP. When the SPL proposal went live, the return proposal had roughly 29m HP backing it. So that's something for this community to think about as well.


A lot of people don't pay any attention to proposals. There's ~150 whales with a lot of HP and most of them don't vote for witnesses or pay attention to proposals. You can't automatically assume that because a proposal isn't voted that it's because support for it is low. Getting things voted on whether it be posts, proposals, or witnesses is generally about getting the word out. The proposal had a short build up, so my conclusions would be closer to not enough eyeballs than not enough support.


More eyeballs would lead to more participation. I agree there's not enough interest in general. I have no issues with people going around spreading the word and gathering support. That's to be expected. No different than a video going viral. People share it. I get it. And thousands of players give you a clear advantage in that department.

This is a great opportunity. For all of us here. Far more people know at least a little bit more about that proposal system today than they did two weeks ago.

I'm not picking a side here or anything like that. I want to make that clear. I don't think those in support are a bunch of buffoons in the same way I can respect those not in support or undecided. Not interested in seeing this place fighting over a pile of money. I don't think it's necessary so won't be participating in that. I agree, let's try to be professional.

After the proposal went live, I removed my vote for the return proposal to make it that much easier for you folks. Under pharesim's post I said I'd be returning my vote for the return proposal. Now that I see it's back to 29m HP, I've decided to once again remove my vote. I'm still on the fence and can't decide if voting for SPL proposal is a good idea or not. It's not an easy decision to make. And now all this controversy which is something I think could have been avoided.

I'm still just as confident there's enough support out there to push this proposal into approved status as I was the day it went live.

Nobody approached me behind the scenes attempting pressure me into supporting and I'm grateful for that.


Ahh look, the 3-10 stakeholders that fund questionable things are now playing the moral high ground of “I need to know more before offering more support”. Lol


Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below


Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below


Which questionable things do I fund? Or are you just making shit up?


Idk. Did your name come up? Or should we look at what you vote for?


Did your name come up?

Did you read the post?


Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below


Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below


Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below


Ironically this is the most succinct confession of attempts at coercion and manipulation I've seen here yet, and it's very content is in itself even more of that. Still as gross as ever, but amusingly far less relevant than ever too, and that's pleasant to come back and observe.

Nice explanation of your attempted manipulations though. Seems like you are a little bitter it didn't go your way.


This is also a demonstration of poor choice of witness behavior and actions.

Good grief. Can this be one of the fork cabal laying out proper witness etiquette? Etiquette which considers it better to split a community asunder than loose minting rights?


Lol. Thanks for this piece, which is really fun to read. Please find below the tl;dr for everybody who does not want to go through all this mimimimi whining in detail:

Hey boiz, I am the guy who made more than 50 Mio bucks with selling Chaos Legion packs. And guess what, I wasted it faster and more useless than anybody else before in history. Ok, then they (allegedly) kick me of the company (why are you still here then :D), so I started some new projects where I could sell packs. Anyways, me and my friend Matt figured we could just waste some more money by taking it from the SPS DAO, making shitcoin great again. Now, that we successfully wasted all company funds plus the SPS DAO money (and it appears that no legit institutional investor would ever invest in our gamified bot-driven staking simulator), we want to have money from the Hive DAO (certainly being our last resort). And we want this DAO money to do "some kind of marketing" - cant give more details, cause be have no idea, what we do with the money (other than wasting it oc). But wait, if people to not support our super-successfull business and the super intelligent management decision we have been respeonsible for over the last three years, then this must be a personal thing - because, of course it is always the others or the circumstances who are wrong: damn the neverending bear market (ok, it is only a bear market for SL assets but nevermind), to hell with the evil US adminstration whose fault it is that SL business it not mooning, and f**k yes, all these saltlords, they destroyed your business because their believe is not strong enough to manifest our success, and now finally it is the fault of the Hive community who is voting against your absurd "give us more money to waste it in our cash grab". Honestly, you guys burned so much dumb money; who ever only gives you a single dime still, does deserve nothing more to go down together with you ;)


The problem is not that you asked people to vote. Yopu more or less forced them to do it, in order to have financial benefits, or for Pharesim penalties.

That is called bribing people, or exerting pressure on them. That is not the way in a civilised community how things are done.

And even though you are not SPLs CEO anymore, you damaged its reputation with this move.


If downvotes on Hive were utilized effectively and no bad downvotes, it could function well. However, currently, their usage by those with significant Hive power seems problematic it's bad, and hindering Hive's growth as investment in Hive is discouraged by bad downvotes and abuse taking place on Hive.

If downvotes on Hive were utilized effectively and no bad downvotes, it could function well. However, currently, their usage by those with significant Hive power seems problematic it's bad, and hindering Hive's growth as investment in Hive is discouraged by bad downvotes and abuse that is taking place on Hive. It's challenging to construct a truly decentralized structure on a centralized blockchain like Hive. Those who set the rules disregard them, creating an unfair environment.


Hello to the community! We're delighted to share a more extensive post with you, as we've noticed that longer articles seem to do well with our readers. At Bilpcoin, our core values are deeply rooted in unity, resilience, and fostering a positive environment within the Hive community. Our goal is to transform Hive into a more inclusive space, similar to the user-friendly atmospheres of Blurt and Steemit.

We're taking a firm stance against the Hive Police and the DHF, and the misuse of proposals by those who seek to accumulate power. We firmly believe that every voice in our community holds equal importance, and we encourage everyone to express their opinions freely and fearlessly. Downvotes are merely temporary setbacks, which we view as raindrops in our parade, not as deterrents from our mission.

Our commitment to advocating for change is unwavering. If Hive fails to evolve, we're prepared to persistently reemerge until we see the transformation we all desire. If you have friends who've been discouraged by downvotes and have left the Hive community, we invite you to encourage them to return and even create a few new accounts. This collective effort could significantly improve the current state of the Hive community.

Regarding the Hive Police and their supporters, we view them as a few rotten apples. If you align with them, you're part of the problem. It's time for a collective effort to rectify this situation. Instances like Mr. Beast being exposed and the similar fates of other bad actors have led us to believe that the same fate awaits the bad apples on Hive. We urge them to change their ways or consider powering down while Hive is still worth a few cents.

Many conversations on Hive revolve around Justin Sun and Steemit. However, we believe that the real issue lies within the Hive community, specifically with the bad actors who originated from Steemit. It's high time we address these issues. The abuse on Hive could potentially affect you, your friends, your family, and your children. We must act now and fix this – we can't afford to wait any longer.

The trending page on Hive often appears cluttered and unappealing, filled with content that doesn't add value to the community. Instead, it focuses on farming and selling Hive. Despite being downvoted for over a year now, we remain undeterred and are still here, working diligently to get the issues fixed on Hive. We have everything documented for reference, building a case takes time and evidence. The longer it goes on, the more we find, and we get paid for our efforts, so we just keep going.

Bilpcoin poly

Bilpcon Crypto Talk

Trending page on Hive voting circles and gangs

What is Bilpcoin What is BPC

Exploring the Supply of BPC: Total Supply, Circulating Supply, Burned, and Staked BPC STATS March 14 2023 Bilpcoin

Exploring the Supply of BPC: Total Supply, Circulating Supply, Burned, and Staked BPC STATS FEB 19 2023 Bilpcoin





Find links to why we was downvoted on Hive


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