I was cheated again!


Greetings friends!

A thief may amend his ways and become a good person but he never forgets his skills. Likewise splinterlands can never forget to cheat players and investors. They will do anything to cheat people. No matter how hard they try to become a company of fairplay, they never change their faulty ways.

In the past they tried many things to deprive people from getting rewards. Sometimes they introduce DEC, then SPS and vouchers, and now gint. When you play for whole day, you might get a few hundred gint which are not enough for getting any remarkable reward. Even someone accumulates enough gint, he would get only soulbound reward cards which are not for selling, renting or giving to someone. So, they are totally useless. I had 2500 and I tried to get their 'ultimate' reward draw from gint shop. I got 7 energy points which are useless for me as I already have 50 and I am not in a mood to play more and waste my time. So, once again I was cheated by the splinterlands.
