Earthquake ~ Fire and Regret | Battle Mage Secrets X Splinterlands


Hello, splinter-warriors. I hope you all are doing well today.



Today, I will be sharing with you guys a battle that was in a tournament that I had played recently and came in at 34th. This battle was not as intense as I had assumed since it turned out exactly as I had planned and my opposition didn't read between the lines of my strategy.

Without further ado, let's begin.

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Battle Conditions

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The mana cap was 17 and there were 2 summoners to choose from: Fire, and Nature. Since it was a tournament battle, the monster level was the same and in such a low mana cap, it was anyone's game.

Battle Rules:

  • Earthquake: Non-flying monsters take 2 damage at the end of each round.
  • Fire and Regret: All monsters have the Return Fire ability.


Battle Details

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Let's start from my side:

Summoner: Obsidian(Ability: Increase in magic damage by 1 for all ally monsters)

Tank: Lurking Puffer(Ability: Corrosive Ward).

Ranged Attacker: Fungus Flinger(Ability: Martyr), Venari Marksrat(Ability: Martyr).

Magic Attacker: Regal Peryton(Ability: Flying).

My strategy was to maximize my Peryton's magic damage and other stats. So, I used 2 monsters that, on death, would give the martyr effect. I had 2 more mana to play with and I wanted a monster that would last at least 2 rounds, so I used the Puffer whose stats would also increase by 1 and this increased my overall HP.

My damage per round was 3. Adding in the damage from the summoner and monster ability, it would come to 4 damage per round.

Now, for the opposition's turn.

Summoner: Tarsa(Ability: Increase in melee damage and Hp by 1 for all ally monsters).

Tank: Exploding rats(Ability: Blast).

Non-attacker: Venari Heatsmith(Ability: Void Armour).

Melee attacker: Gargoya Lion(Ability: Flying).

His strategy was similar to mine. He also planned to get one of his high-speed monsters that would get a clean hit and do a blast of damage on the monster behind my tank while waiting out for my other monsters to die as he kept a monster with void armor that had a high shield. Next, he kept a monster in the back with Flying ability as a way to preserve it for the last, should any monster stand after several rounds.

His total damage per round is 4. After his initial monster falls, it turns to 0, and then to 3 per round.


Major Events

Round 1

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My Peryton had the highest speed and so it beat his ace right from the get-go and shortened the game further for him.

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My ranged attackers were attacking his non-attacker and in turn, getting hit due to the battle rules. That way, the martyr effect was to be achieved faster.

Round 2

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Peryton receives the first dose of martyr and this it's damage increases to 3.

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And, at the end of the second round, Peryton receives the second dose of martyr.

Round 1

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Finally, at the beginning of the 4th round, his last hope of doing some damage to my Peryton was put to rest.



That way, even if his monster would have overall high melee damage, his monsters would have a higher chance to miss Perton as it would have high speed and flying ability. It would've been GG for me if his monsters had both high-speed and melee damage. Moreover, his strategy was incomplete since he did not get a monster that would attack from the back as he expected me to have a few monsters with low HP and/or no shield.

Battle Link

Battle Link
