This Splintelands Season is ending in a day

The current Splinterlands season is about to end in a day and this season is kind of special because, after the next one, we are going to have some big changes in the game. Some big changes are coming to the game and these changes have already been announced I hope that many of you have gone through by NOW. One of the biggest changes that we are going to see is going to happen on the reward system and this will be replaced by a completely new reward mechanism. This is why I say that this season is a good one and after the end of this season we are not going to experience the same because our experience with battle and reward will be changed completely. I hope that this change is for good and players like it.


This season's Progress

This season has been going great for me after the change in league and card penalties and because of that, I think I have done the highest count of season chests. I usually score around 55 to 60 season chest but this time I have made it 71 chests by now and I expect that this can go even a little higher by the time this season ends. I play the game in wild format because of my card collection and currently, my energy is around 21 which I TRY to maintain. I will be exploring the modern format also in the next season but I know that there are some cards that I need to either buy or take on the rental but I haven't decided yet.


The rating is also high this time and it indicates that I am playing in the Diamond 1 league but my sps balance is not Enough to provide the higher reward multiplier in this league. Although this league is indicative is still the highest rating that I have achieved in the last few months. I play mostly in Diamond 3 or 2 so that I get a better season reward multiplier according to my sps holding and this time when this rating is high I'm not even getting the 10X reward multiplier. I am trying to grow my SPS holding but it is a slow process because I keep on buying in parts and this is how I am going with my overall SPS holding.

SPS Balance

As I said, I continue to work on SPS accumulation and as of now, I have 157K SPS lying in my account. ALL these tokens are staked and I try to ensure that there is no liquid token lying in the account because it does not add any value to my holding. The current APR is more than 14% and I see that there is a slight increase in the APR because earlier it was less than 14%. I am trying to make it 160K SPS by the end of April month if the price stays in the same range and does not go up. Ultimately I am planning to have 200K spears but let me tell you that SPS is one of the tokens that the more you have is never enough and technically there is not enough SPS for everyone according to its supply.


Now that changes are announced and we are going to have the changes implemented just after the end of this season hence it will be interesting to see how the new reward system is going to work. Because it is going to be part of the season and reward hence we will have to wait for the season to end first then we will see what options are available for us as a player to buy from the reward shop using the glint token. I think this is a good option when we will have the flexibility to hold or use to buy assets from the shop but it also depends what are the options available in the shop that we can buy using the token.


I can say that the last change was good and because of that you can see my overall progress in this season now let's see how the new changes are going to happen in the game and what value addition they bring to the players. I expect that after the change more people will start playing in the modern because they will be getting better rewards over there but for me, it is not going to be easy because I want to have enough cards first from the latest editions before I make a move from wild to format hence it will take some time for me to shift.

Thank you

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hey I'm ready for the change tomorrow. already did another burning of gladius cards got around 300k from it O.O. sad we can't burn after but oh well. Glint shop will be good cuz the league advancement made me lose chests which kinda made it seem like i get less rewards. 2 chests and both ptions its kind of sad lol so at least now we can choose what we want


you seem to be excited about the change and even I am looking forward to the change. Burning was a good option but sadly its gone now


not yet gone u can do it one more day go go go burn it up baby.

Ya we need more changes lol it might not be perfect but hopefully right direction. need new blood here o.o grow our game. i want to pass axie in marketcap in nfts and the token as well


not yet gone u can do it one more day go go go burn it up baby.

yes 1 day left.. I am gonna burn some although I have less gladius cards


owh. i think gold foil ones are good to burn since u dont play gf tournaments or gf frays in brawls. only maybe keep good gold foil like quora


good idea.. I am trying..


lets goooo. haha ive done what i can thinking about the next play
