Is Technology Making Us to Be More or Less Social?

Mankind have never felt better than now. There have been massive improvement in the ways and manner we do things compared to years back. That's a big credit to the advancement in knowledge which has led to a lot of technological advancement. But everything that has a good side will always have the bad sides to it. This said, can one now say that technology is making us more or less social especially as compared to the days of yore?


Well, technology has brought a lot of improvement to our lives. For instance, in the area of transportation, communication and health. For instance, the birth of the Internet has seen people rely solely on the Internet for virtually everything be it academics, shopping, and entertainment. One can stay within the comfort of his room and chat with another who is miles away; watch events happening hundreds of kilometres away and even far away continents.

Again, by just pressing of buttons one can place orders for clothings which can be delivered right in front of his or her door and even food, yes food!.

Even with all these goodies of technology it also come with some heavy prices. It has made man to become less social as he interacts minimally with the real world. The alienation of man from the real world is so massive that he forgets that alot of people even exist.

Man is a social being and thus any attempt to clog this unique part of man may not be all that feasible. Man is therefore portends expected to less dependant on the social media and by extension on technology and get busy with the real world.

This is my participation in the Ecency Writing Contest with the prompt: Is technology making us more or less social?

You can find out more on this form the announcement post.


I remember a time when people had to write letters to each other and it took weeks to deliver that letter :)


Yeah, I also experienced that too. Sometimes the letter may get lost either ins transit or even misplaced completely. Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate.
