plant a pomegranate tree in the garden

Who likes pomegranates, red pomegranates are usually a complement to pickles/rujak at the 7th month ceremony of unborn babies, if processed into syrup this fruit is refreshing, it has the Latin word Punica granatum, pomegranate fruit apart from being beneficial for health also makes the yard cool and cool. beautiful, this tree can be shaped according to your taste, try planting your own tree. How to? The first step is to choose the type of pomegranate that will be planted, usually small trees are planted that are shaped like a bush. This type will grow to a maximum of 2.5 meters and in summer it will flower with orange flowers. There are pomegranate trees of the dwarf "Nana" type which grow shorter with a maximum height of 1 meter and are the best type to plant in pots. In addition there is also the "Beautiful" variety with fringed flowers.

Pomegranate can be planted in various ways, this can be done by planting seeds, grafting or planting the seeds of the fruit. If you plant it from the seeds of course the growth will take a long time, 3-4 years before the tree produces fruit. It is best to plant from grafts by cutting the branches of the tree at least 25 cm in February or March because in this month the pomegranate tree is not actively growing (dormant). Cover the ends of the branches with root growth hormone to help the growth process or buy seeds at the nearest agricultural shop. The next stage is to determine the place to plant the pomegranate tree, choose a place that is exposed to sunlight so that it can bear fruit regularly because pomegranate trees need sunlight for their growth, then choose a place that has soil with good drainage or dry sandy soil and is slightly acidic, pomegranates cannot grow in places where the soil is wet (soggy feel) and damp, after that, take care of it.










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