My experience since the ARCHMAGE token



Good afternoon, I haven't written a post for a long time, but today I want to share my experience with the archmage token.

For those who don't know, this token is a bot that plays for you on steemmonsters. That what is good for me is that I am a very bad player, and I wanted to make the cards that I have in my possession profitable.


I leave you the link of all the letters that I have, since in a photo I cannot share all,

Well, since I started, the truth is that I have been a bit lost until I found the best configuration and the best cards to win battles, since I am focused on winning dec per battle, since the cards that are earned by doing the missions are not earn hardly anything unless you are gold or diamond.


What I have very clear is that this is an investment that is not won at the moment but over time, since it will bear fruit, for many good things still have to come, both with the game and with the bot.

I want to thank @AlmightyMelon @IVIaxPow3r and especially @IProto who had a very noble gesture of transferime dec for the days that the bot was inactive, but I did not accept them because I understood what was happening, but this gesture was very noble for his part.


To finish, I encourage all those people who have cards and don't know how to play, to buy the token and give it a try, like I did.

I am using the google translator in case someone does not understand what I am putting since my mother tongue is Spanish.

Posted using Splintertalk

8.373 SPT


Thanks for the review and kind words!


0.000 SPT

Wow! Nice post! And I think we are at the same league right now @apoloo1 ! Might bump into you one day!

0.000 SPT

It may be, but if that moment comes I assure you that you will lose. ejejejejej

0.000 SPT