My 12 reward chests in Silver III Last season of old style. Analyze of 'Blood maker' and 'Revealer'

I play Splintarlands for fun and also to earn and collect amazing cards. I usually only play Bronze League, so my max Power is 5000. But this season I was trying to reach Silver League III, it needs 15000 Power!!! My own cards have a power of around 6000. I also rented a lot of legendary and gold cards to reach 15000 Powerand finally won enough battles to have a rating of over 1000.
These are my 12 reward chests that I got for the last season ending 05/31/2022. Enjoy, as for me there are cool cards ...
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All common cards are already familiar, accept one - 'Blood maker' from Fire! Absolut new card of new season.
Let`s see what he can:
blood maker.jpg
Pretty fast at 3, good ranged damage of 2, and 3 health at level one. It also has the ability to attack a random enemy. At subsequent levels, speed and health first increase, and then damage is already pumped. Well, an interesting card that you already want to use in battle.
With his SCATTERSHOT ability, he looks like 'Portal spinner' from Life and Neutral 'Gem meteor' with more health and speed but only 1 damage.
I would use this comrade in a deck with a medium mana from 23 to 30, so that he combines well with attacking Fire and thins out all the opponent's ranks (as you're lucky). And only at level 6 does he get the **CRIPPLE ** ability, which will play into his hands if the enemy has self-healing cards, reduce their maximum health by 1, after each hit.
And another awesome epic! I got a card in one of the reward chests - this is a 'Revealer' magicianfrom Death with the ability to stun the enemy.
For 4 mana, we have a magician with a fairly good health of 4, not the slowest with a speed of 2, the damage is really small for 1 magic attack, but the STUN ability will be very useful to neutralize the tank for one turn.
What is noteworthy is that at the 1st level of the card, only one more old Fire card, PIT OGRE, has this stun ability.
At 4th level, the mage gains the IMMUNITY ability - this monster is immune to negative status effects.
Well, at the last 6th level of pumping, one more ability is REFLECTION SHIELD, that is, no side damage from Blast, Thorns, Return Fire, or Magic Reflect.
I would use this card in a deck for medium mana from 20 to 30, it will hide behind other cards and jam the opponent's tank.
A new era has begun in Splinterlands, what's next for rewarded seasonal chests!

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