Beware of Kraken in Splinterlands Universe


Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail (3).png

Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using one of my scholar account that played in Diamond League Format.And this time, i want to share that in Odds One out ruleset battle we just can use odd mana cost monster in our line up. Sometimes this ruleset is really hard to be played. And in this battle i am really struggling with arrange the strategy. I think my strategy was not enough to compete into the battle. But, who knows. Lets check out what monster that i am using in this battle.



Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Lost Magic lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

Only units with odd mana costs may be used.
Summoners are not affected by this rule.

Fortunately we still can using even manacost summoner. If we cannot using summoner with even manacost it will be super hard. Since there are just few manacost summoner that having odd manacost. And with this limited i think it makes the battle harder than usual. But, sometimes it will make less stress especially when encountered with cheater in this game. Limited usually can make strategy more simple than it would be.


Strategy Phase

In this battle i am using weapons training to helping my frontline tanker to have a melee attack. Nowdays Weapon Training ability sometimes is really effective in battle strategy. It will make the frontline tanker that did not have attack will be more powerfull than usual. Since many non attack monster usually having pretty complex ability that can support for the team mates or for the monster itself.

For this battle i am using Noa The Just as frontline tanker because this monster having pretty good ability that can reduce opponent armor in the beginning of the battle with Rust ability, and for selfdefence this monster having dodge ability and backfire ability so whenever this monster dodging opponent melee and range type attack it will gives damage back to attacker. And look how much this monster speed. 6 for a monster with dodging ability is really strong unit right. Unfortunately when i am using this monster at battle the level did not maxed out so this monster still not having Martyr ability. But it is okay i guess. The martyr effect will be hard to give the adjacent units because this monster does not having taunt ability.

For the attacker i am using Kulu Mastermind to gives melee type attack to my frontline tanker that is Noa The Just. So, Noa will helping attacking the frontline tanker too. And this monster will hunting opponent lowest health first with opportunity ability. And if my frontline tanker defeated, this monster can replacing as tanker because having shield ability that can reduce damage from melee and range type attack. And if getting damage this monster enrage ability will active and buffing this monster itself to be a stronger monster. But, this monster will be super less effective if encountered with monster that having forcefield ability. This monster attack will be just to be 1 and it the lowest attack in splinterlands universe. Hopefully the ruleset makes both player cannot using earth element so Mycelic Slipspawn will be out and cannot be used in this battle.

In this battle i still need having Magic type attack as my attacker thats why i am choosing Nerissa Tridawn as my attacker. As you can see the magic attack is 5 which is really fragile when encountered with forcefield ability monster. It will be useless too. But, if the opponent did not bringing any monster with forcefield ability. This monster can be super strong that can gives huge amount of damage and can kill opponent faster since magic attack will direct hit to opponent health especially when the opponent did not having any abilities such as Void or Void Armor.

Okay, i still need monster that having pretty good damage in range type attack. Just in case if the opponent bringing either forcefield ability monster or using void ability monster that can reduce my magic attack. So, my range attack sometimes can helping attack and gives damage to opponent line up monster. And this monster also having pretty good ability that is repair ability that can repair any broken armor in my line up. Also if the opponent using high manacost monster in this battle it will get double damage by this monster attack since this monster having Giant Killer ability.



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This time i am encountered with player that from YGG Brawlers (Nilfheim). I know this guild. this guild having so many player that really strong and very competitive in battle. And i know this guy. This guy is really strong especially in Champion. And hopefully my strategy can work in this battle. And the good news is opponent did not using Earth element based the summoner.

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And in this battle as you can see the picture above, having 3 ruleset.The first ruleset is Ferocity that means all monster will have fury ability that can makes double damage to taunt ability monster. The second ruleset is Silenced Summoner that means all summoner cannot gives any buff or debuff at all in this battle. And the Last but not least is Odd Ones Out that means both players only can using odd mana cost monster into the battlefield. The manacap that can be used in this battle is 46 which is well just average. And the only element that cannot be used in this battle is life element. And i know why Mycelic Slipspawn are not used in this battle because the Ferocity ruleset. It will really useless even though having forcefield ability. Thats really my advantage then.

My Line Up

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  • Quix The Devious as Summoner
  • Noa The Just as Frontline Tanker
  • Kulu Mastermind as Attacker
  • Gargoya Devil as Attacker
  • Nerissa Tridawn as Attacker
  • Venari Wavesmith as Support
  • Swamp Spitter as Support Attacker

Opponent Line Up

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  • Zeddica as Summoner
  • Grimbandun Fighter as Frontline Tanker
  • Kulu Masterming as Attacker
  • Noa The Just as Support Attacker
  • Daarg Deadblast as Support Attacker
  • Venka The Vile as Attacker
  • Silent Shavi as Backline Attacker

Looking by opponent line up. Thats so damn crazy man. Really complex and strong especially there are Venka The Vile in there. If my Noa The Just got attacked by Venka it will absolutely got killed in just one hit. But, opponent Line up is lack of magic attack i guess. And opponent line up nearly dont have any defence at all. Hopefully my line up can defeat this opponent even though i doubt that i can win this battle. Especially when opponent Noa The Just having 2 additional attack from Kulu Mastermind and Daarg Deadblast waepon training ability. Having Magic and Melee type attack at the same time is really dangerous to my team mates. Especially when opponent Noa The Just going to frontline.

Summary of this battle is yeah i am very lucky with opponent Venka The Vile missing attacking my Noa The Just with dodge ability and the different of the speed. And of course fortunately i am choosing Nerissa Tridawn as my Magic type attack attacker with 5 magic damage that can helping gives huge amount of damage and can make my team easily kill the opponent monster. And my Kulu Masterming can holding opponent melee attack by shield ability. And yeah The Swamp Spitter also helping to with repair ability and can repair any broken armor that can make protect the attack that really make my Kulu Mastermind escaping death many times. And after opponent Noa The Just defeated. The battle seems very tight.And my Nerrisa Tridawn really helpful in this battle and i can say that my Nerissa Tridawn as the MVP in this battle. The total magic attack that i bring in this battle really help my team mate to execute the good battle.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

Beware of Kraken in Splinterlands Universe



So after looking into this battle i can say that every good impression strategy, it might have a tiny hole weakness that can defeated by the simple thing. In this case the opponent lose due the my Nerissa Tridawn as Magic attacker. As i said sometimes this Odd Ones Out ruleset is really hard to pick the good monster into the battlefield. The choices is really limited and the ability sometimes is not synchronized with the others. And the choice of the type of attack is many. Thats why i said that arranging the strategy in this ruleset is really hard sometimes. And for me i am just though that how to divide my attack properly because i really dont know what the opponent will choosing since i am human afterall. Different with bot or helper that can calculate the opponent movement and calculate the best strategy. And yeah devs can lying by said that no cheat or so whatever in this games. yet the cheater and abuser is not going anywhere and still abusing and using cheat.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
Thumbnail created using canva
All images taken from Splinterlands website
