Missconception Makes Missing Winning

Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail.png

Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using one of own scholar account that played in Diamond League Format.And this time, i want to share that in Super Sneak ruleset battle and in this battle i am prepared that if opponent will utilize the ruleset. And it turns out i am wrongly guess what the strategy. So, yeah like i said Missconception will makes missing winning.



Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Super Sneak lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

All melee units gain the Sneak ability.

So, basically it will make all melee monster will attacking from behind. Sometimes it can be make really easy strategy if opponent just using melee only. But,sometimes we still need guessing if opponent will using melee or using other type of attack. And guessing is like playing rock paper scissor. Sometimes we hit and sometimes we lost. And in this battle i am wrongly choosing the strategy. lets see my strategy.


Strategy Phase

In this battle i am really protecting my backline and i am guessing that the opponent will using sneak ability with melee type attack monster in this battle. Since sneak ability sometimes can be wrecked and will make me lose many times. So, i am using good ability monster in my backline as defender. So this is my 4 monster as my key monster.

For my backline defender i am using Naga Assassin because this monster having super high speed with 6 speed and also this monster having swiftness ability that can give 1 additional speed to all my entire team. And for defence this monster having backfire ability. So, if opponent missing attacking this monster it will give backfire to the opponent that missing attacking this monster. Even though this monster having little range attack but this monster is really helpfull especially this monster just costing 2 manacap in our line up.

I am using Orella Abadon so this is spoiling the ruleset that we can bring gladius monster into this battlefield. So, i bring this monster with me in my line up since this monster having bloodlust ability that can gives buff after killing opponent monster. And since the ruleset is Super Sneak so i will face to face to sneak monster. I am using this monster because this monster having pretty good speed also. And having chance to growing up when killed opponent line up. And the good point is this monster just cost 2 manacap.

Of course i dont forget to bring Chaos Agent in my line up. This monster sometimes cna be super savage when dodging any opponent attack since this monster having dodge ability also having phase ability. Even though this monster does not attack but with Backfire ability it will gives 2 damage back to attacker that missing attacking this monster. But yeah, it will depending on RNG. And usually the RNG can be super bitch and useless.

I am using this monster as frontline tanker since this monster having pretty good speed and just costing 1 manacap only. Also this my point using this monster because this monster having shattered ability that can destroy opponent frontline tanker armor if opponent using monster that having high armor as frontline tanker.



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This time i am encountered with player that from S Family. I dont know much about this player so maybe this player is really human player since developer team did not share player that they banned as bot or cheater. So we as player or as community member did not know very well if the dev team really banned or not or maybe they are the bot itself. We just dont know and yeah maybe this is the last time i talked about cheater or bot since i am too boring always complain about them and dev team did not showing good share at all.

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And in this battle as you can see the picture above,having only 2 ruleset that the first ruleset is Super Sneak that means all melee monster will having sneak ability. And the others ruleset is Are You Not Entertained Yet? that means both player can using 1 gladius monster in this battle. The manacap that can be used in this battle is just 12 so this is low mana battle. And the element that cannot be used in this battle is Earth and Life Element. This battle is really hard for me since i am really hate low mana battle. Almost low mana battle i lost to opponent. I dont have speciality in low mana battle.

My Line Up

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  • Quix The Devious as Summoner
  • Radiated Schorcher as Frontline Tanker
  • Kra'ar Xoc as Second tanker
  • Surly Drunk as Attacker
  • Orella Abadon as Attacker
  • Naga Assassin as Backline Tanker
  • Chaos Agent as Backline Tanker

Opponent Line Up

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  • Kelya Frendul as Summoner
  • Chaos Agent as Frontline Summoner
  • Hardy Stonefish as Second Tanker
  • Torrent Fiend as Attacker
  • Igor The Darkspear as Attacker
  • Alfredo as Attacker
  • Xenith Archer as Attacker

Lookin into opponent line up, i suppossed more superior than opponent line up since my summoner reduce opponent range monster.Also opponent melee monster is really weak to defeat my backline. But who knows what the end of this battle. And as i can say that i am wrongly guessing that opponent will using melee monster to attacking my backline. The opponent using range monster this time.

The summary of this battle is my team lost this battle and you know what the RNG making my team losing this time. There is too much my team missing attacking opponent xenith archer. Even though the different speed is just 1 but it is like 3 or even 4 speed different. And with just 1-2 missing attacking opponent monster. It will make the battle turns out. And what worse is opponent almost never miss attacking my monster. And you can play it on youtube and see that my entire team having higher speed than opponent or just below opponent just 1-2 speed but my team missing almost half of their attack chance. So, this is just badluck, missconception, or opponent using script that can arrange the RNG. Dev team once said to me that RNG is trully random. But, as you can see, they all are data that can be written. Even goverment can be break by hacker why not break the data in this RNG right???
But yeah who knows. Since the dev team never open to all community member. We are just guessing and suspecting. Maybe this is just me that wrongly guessing opponent strategy. The opponent having pretty good guess and strategy in this battle. Even though my summoner reduce almost half of their attack but yet my team still losing.

If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

Missconception Makes Missing Winning



After experiencing this battle i can say that sometimes we really need to ignore the ruleset and using the strategy whatever we want and still can win. Like the opponent is really ignoring all the ruleset. Even the opponent did not bring any tanker for the backline. Just focused on attacking the frontline. In contrary i am just messing with arrange strategy to defence the backline thats why i am lost in this battle.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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All images taken from Splinterlands website
