I mentioned about my business in my introduction post that I have an aquarium business with my friend. Yesterday when we went to buy supplies for the aquarium, I saw something surprising. It seemed as if many people had gathered as if an accident had occurred on road.

But it was not an accident, many people were gathered, a person was standing in the middle of the road and was signaling to all the vehicles to stop and the vehicles were stopping for him.

I was very worried because it was too late about 10 o clock at night. Me and my friend were on the bike. We put my bike on the side and went to see that person.

When my friend and I reached the road, we saw the man crossing the road with his turtle.
And he was stopping every person and vehicle so that the slow walking tortoise could easily cross the road.

At first I was very angry with the man and the turtle, but later my anger cooled down instantly, the turtle was very attractive.

Even at home I was lost in his thoughts that while scrolling on ecency, I saw Splinterland's art contest, so I thought why not make an artwork of turtle.


Because I found this character relatable to the turtle standing on the road, even if that man was fighting for him, but he was also fighting to save his life in a way.
This is also a fighting turtle and he was also fighting for himself.


To make this I took out my sketchbook and my drawing kit and chose colors and pointers from it.
With a pencil I made a rough sketch of turtle and then outline it with black pointer.

I also fixed the mistakes within rough sketch.

Then use colors to create a new glow with the colors inside turtle.


First, I opened my notebook and took out a blank page. I used a rough pencil to draw a new sketch that came to my mind by imagining my inspirational character.

I erased the mistakes inside it and renewed it with the help of a pointer.

I started his colors with his eyes which I filled in pink color, then moved towards his face which is filled in green for shading and highlighting i use bolpoint green color.

To make abs I used yellow color. For shading inside yellow color I chose brown color and after that it was looking something like this.

After completing the face and upper body i started coloring the rest of body of turtle. Where i used dark brown colored ballpoint and the same coloring scheme i used for the upper body.

After completing the overall look of the body, i moved towards the shell of turtle, where i used dark brown ballpoint and light brown pencil color for adding details.

Now the only part left was the weapon of the turtle, where i made the upper part little shiny with the red color and the rest with the same brown colors i used in the turtle's shell.

And now our character is done to shine👇

Please share your opinions regarding my drawing, i would love to listen from you.

Allah hafiz😁
