Vocalist Vs Instrumentalist || Afri-inleo Initiative week 11




Both singers (vocalists) and musicians who play only musical instruments (instrumentalists) are pleasant and enjoyable to listen to. Each of them contributes greatly to the promotion and creation of good music all around the universe and also blesses us with a unique vibe in our ears.

Instrumentalists are musicians who perform their own music using only musical instruments without accompanying it with vocals or voices. Instrumentalists do not include any words or lyrics in their music. The only thing they focus mainly on is musical instruments such as the piano, guitar, violin, trumpet, and so on. A vocalist, on the other hand, is a person who sings or produces music with vocals or voices. Vocalists mostly focus on their voices to produce a unique song and also use their lyrics to convey a lot of beautiful messages that touch our hearts and also tell stories.

If I had to choose between singing with my voice (vocalists) and using a musical instrument, I would prefer vocalists to instrumentalists. Being a vocalist is just something that I enjoy doing because I don't know how to play any musical instruments. All I know how to do is to sing. Singing means a lot to me. Although I know my voice is not perfectly good, but I still like singing. Singing with my voice makes me feel happy, calm, and relaxed.

Singing a song is something everyone does. Children sing, adults sing, and older people sing as well. Whether they have the talent or not, everyone enjoys raising their voices to sing because singing plays a lot of vital roles in our lives. I love singing with my voice because it can positively affect my health. Using my voice to sing can help reduce stress, improve our health and mood. It can also help us to be happier and healthier, and it can help us to forget our problems.

Another reason why I love vocal music more than instrumental music is that listening to vocal music and singing along is a great way to improve our memory. Vocal music, when entered into our brains, always sticks and becomes really hard to forget. That is why, in many schools, children are usually exposed to singing along to rhythm because it's an effective way to learn new words, improve memory, increase confidence, enhance pronunciation skills, and also increase their learning skills.

Lastly, I love singing with voices rather than using instrumentals because it's fun and easy to carry out. It doesn't cost anything, and it can be carried out by everyone. Singing is good for the body, when you sing loudly with your voice, you will always feel happy. Singing reduces anxiety and helps to protect us from illness. Singing with vocals can keep your voice young. In addition, it can also improve the way we breathe and make us live longer and live a healthy life.

This is my participation post for this week prompt. Vocalist or instrumental which is the best AFRI-INLEO INITIATIVE 11. To participate, you can check out this: @https://ecency.com/hive-195772/@afri-tunes/vocalist-or-instrumentalist-which-is-best-for-you-afriinleo-initiative-11-dep?referral=ashiru

Thanks for your time on my blog.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's great that you find so much joy in singing and appreciate the many benefits it brings, from reducing stress to enhancing memory. Vocal music indeed has a special way of connecting with people and conveying emotions. Keep enjoying your passion for singing—it’s wonderful to hear how much it means to you!


Endeavor to use the InLeo link in your post when inviting people to participate in this contest..
Thank you for sharing @ashiru


Noted bro.
Thanks you bro. I'll work on that.


Awesome entry
Valid points

