# Chipping away at those rare summoners - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 48 Report Card


Amazing 3D render of Cruel Sethropod by the incredible @spartano!

Hi everyone!

How is everyone going in those splintered lands?
I was pushing extremely hard to get out of Gold in Modern... and I just could not make it happen... the Win/Loss Ratio of Modern is pretty much even... which makes it look like I was essentially treading water... but what happens in reality is that I grab a lot of wins early in the season as I progress through Gold, and then cop a huge amount of losses towards the end of the season. You can see my highest rating for both is quite a bit higher than where I ended up.

I have been playing with Lorkus way too much...

He's such a fun card to play, and if things work out well for you, it is seems unstoppable... but I'm not sure it actually works out even 50% of the time for me. I've exclusively been using the Affliction and Life Leech attributes and one of my favourites is to put it on cards like Venka who strikes early or cards with Ambush.

It's pretty much a glass cannon type build, where you hit hard and early and take cards out... but if the other team withstands your early attack, you'll be in trouble. I haven't had much luck against Diemonshark type builds which I'm still finding to be the most common around.

I think I've only seen one Lorkus battle against me... so it doesn't seem to be a commonly-used card, at least where I'm playing.

Here is a screenshot of a battle where it defintely worked out well for me:

Check out those health levels!

Match Report


RankChampion #1319Gold #562
Rating4000 - Champion II2580 - Gold I
Rating High41202760
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.33 (77/58)1.05 (141/134)
Longest Streak76

I was so rapt to get to Champs II in Wild this season. For a cheeky moment I did try and see if I could make it to Champs I, which I think I've only ever gotten to a handful of times in my entire Splinterlands career, but I started losing a bunch and cut my losses.

You can see that I played way more games in Modern than Wild... it's a shame because I earn about 1,000 Glint in Wild and about 300 in Modern. I do earn about double the SPS in Modern, but at this point it's Glint that I'm after, and so I'm still really keen to try and bring Modern up to Diamond (or Champs) so that I can be earning similar Glint amounts and double SPS... but it's really, really hard.

I have all the cards so I can't even blame power levels... success in Modern is just about skill and I'm not quite there yet.

This season was the first season that I used all the energy I had available to me. I tried to get my energy levels to zero each day... I think this system works well for me... means I'm motivated to play each day (even if I end the day actually lower on the leaderboards).

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
218✨ 52774 Glint + ⭐1266.321 SPS

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

I earned significantly more Glint than last season due to playing way more games.

Pretty excited to have earnt 300K Glint this season compared to 195K the previous season and 250K the season before that.

Last season I got a bunch of Rare Draws with my glint to upgrade my Reward Summoners, and so I'll continue on that journey... here is where I am right now:

These are the prices I'm starting with. I've got more than 300K Glint here because I've earnt 48K Glint in the current season, but I'll leave the 48K for next time...

Batch 1 of 100 Rare Draws cost 50K Glint. I've decided not to use Alchemy potions because I really just want to max out those summoners (I love love love that there is a pop up that asks if you want to use potions now):

  • 47 out of 100 were summoners. Pretty great! 1 gold playing card and 1 gold summoner.

Batch 2 of 100 Rare Draws cost 75K Glint:

  • 42 summoners out of 100. 2 gold summoners.

Batch 3 of 100 Rare Draws cost 112.5K Glint (total is 237.5K spent so far):

  • 52 summoners out of 100. Awesome! 4 gold cards.

I've got 62.5 Glint left... I'm going to spend it on some Epics because Epics are honestly harder to level up than Legendaries (because you need so many of them):

Batch 1 of 12 Epic Draws costs 60K Glint:

  • I've never noticed before, but are all the Epic Reward cards non-attack cards?

Alright, here is my progress:

Amazing! I've maxed out Eternan Brune, which is awesome news for me going forward! I can now bring Fire Gladiators into any battle. I went from levels 6 to 7 on Pembrook Nypmh, so not that useful to me yet... I maxed out Helios Matriarch which is fantastic... the +1 speed on Helios usually makes it far more useful than the others anyway, so this is exactly what I was hoping for.

I have some spares... but I'm waiting to burn those for Glint on a season where I haven't made much Glint to take advantage of the cheaper batch prices.

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(34.325)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Rental income increased from last season, no idea why... I still need to go in and add in new prices to cards that have dropped off.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards4339.767
Ranked Rewards as above1266.321
Brawl Rewards1320.936
Land Rewards1218.641
Tower Defense158.260
Liquidity Rewards179.564
License Stake Rewards1453.736
NET SPS9937.225

SPS dropped from last season, but it's still around $110 USD for playing a game for 2 weeks, so happy with that.

Season 47 my Net SPS was 11544.785
Season 46 my Net SPS was 19670.974
Season 45 my Net SPS was ???
Season 44 my Net SPS was ???
Season 43 my Net SPS was 11209.623
Season 42 my Net SPS was 11368.979
Season 41 my Net SPS was 15734.601
Season 40 my Net SPS was 5738.528
Season 39 my Net SPS was 12692.220
Season 38 my Net SPS was 10405.610
Season 37 my Net SPS was 7841.389
Season 36 my Net SPS was 9657.743
Season 35 my Net SPS was 9336.764
Season 34 my Net SPS was 13413.875
Season 33 my Net SPS was 29556.874
Season 32 my Net SPS was ???
Season 31 my Net SPS was 10591.881
Season 30 my Net SPS was 12390.883
Season 29 my Net SPS was 12757.227
Season 28 my Net SPS was 13324.727
Season 27 my Net SPS was 14735.391
Season 26 my Net SPS was 18423.610
Season 25 my Net SPS was 15592.310
Season 24 my Net SPS was 9888.861
Season 23 my Net SPS was 11190.555
Season 22 my Net SPS was 11704.133
Season 21 my Net SPS was 14514.412
Season 20 my Net SPS was 16059.041
Season 19 my Net SPS was 17007.533
Season 18 my Net SPS was 32635.224
Season 17 my Net SPS was ???
Season 16 my Net SPS was 9157.288
Season 15 my Net SPS was 17757.516
Season 14 my Net SPS was 14016.525
Season 13 my Net SPS was 12265.515

Things are going really well. I'm still noticing my wins and losses tend to happen at specific times of the day, so I'm going to pay more attention to that to see if I can improve my Win/Loss ratio. Hopefully will earn another 300K Glint in the current season.

Hope the game is going well for you too!

Thanks for reading!

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


Hi bro, cool to see your progress and strategy with Lorkus. The balance between Glint and SPS in Modern is a challenge indeed. Good luck aiming for Diamond bro. Wishing you success on this


I struggled this season in wild and I only got into modern if I start losing too much. I generally use all my energy up too but maybe I should be trying to get Modern level higher. I suppose I get no glint losing in wild. I have been spending all rewards on rares trying to build summoners which is helping slowly . I do not see Lorkus very often at my level.


Your Win/Loss ratio in Modern is incredible... but well done getting into Diamond I in Wild - that's awesome!

Yeah, you don't earn any Glint for losses, but you're probably getting 3 or 4 times the amount of Glint in Diamond than you are in Bronze, so you probably lose twice or three times as many games and still be ahead.

Rare Summoners are where it's at! They'll help everything!


I like this project very much and if I had money I would definitely buy their land because it will be in high demand in the coming times. This time also you have got a good reward.


Thank you very much for the mention, good luck in the game, greetings.


Glad to see you keep going up the ranks! I stopped playing for a while and renting my cards, work needs some priority now; and to be honest all the coming proposals for the game and the shitshow that we have in rankings now in wild vs modern doesn't exactly help in enticing gameplay. Hope to see yo uin the battlefield soon! !BEER


Hahaha, totally understand! Work has to be the priority... but I do miss getting absolutely thrashed by you... and can't wait to see you on the battlefield again. Hope your rentals are going well! At least it's awesome that you can still be earning even without playing.


At least it's awesome that you can still be earning even without playing.

Absolutely... hence why bots are still welcomed is beyond my understanding. ;)
I recall being the one being bulldozed, but crossing fingers for a rematch soon! One more week and hope to be battling again. ;) !BEER


It looks like Lorkus is a very popular card
A lot of people make posts about this card very often
Nice one!


Congratulations for achieving 300K Glint and becoming Champion II! Keep going with those Modern matches; playing with Lorkus seems like a lot of fun! Hopefully you can maximise your summoners.


I left the game when they started with the soul bound cards... i hate that because it makes not sense at all with the NFT kind of system...

but i have to admit that these new summoners are looking really fun!!

what's your opinion about the new glint system? it is better? worse?


Personally I really like the new glint system.

I was super motivated to try and get as many End of Season chests as I could, but I never really liked getting SPS or potions. Now I can choose to just get cards (which I have been doing) or can get chests and try to win jackpots, merits, potions or cards. It's kind of the best of both worlds, you can try and get what you need, or enjoy the excitement of trying to get big prizes.


Ohhh!! it is really cool to choose to earn only cards!! that way you can maxime your deck faster



You can even concentrate on types of cards... I've been focusing on Rare cards to upgrade my summoners.
