# Trying to get my legendries and epics too - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 55 Report Card



Another fantastic piece by @alexa.art! This is one of the new Rebellion Reward cards, the Janni Rebel which I don't yet have... but would really like to have because I love a good flank card.

Hi everyone!

This season has been all about getting 537K Glint.
It's been my sole focus because I've come to the realization that the Epic Rebellion reward cards might be more useful than the Legendries.

Once Halfling Refugee gets heal (I'm two cards off) - it has incredible utility to defend against sneak attacks:

Arachne Weaver healing 70% instead of the usual 33% is so good, even with the infliction that comes with it.

For longer drawn out battles, the Mimic ability (I'm one card off, is very likely the most powerful ability in the game)

On the other hand... the Rebellion Reward Legendary cards aren't nearly as exciting... so the whole reason I've been so focused on getting 537K Glint is so that I could get a full Batch 1 of both Legendries and Epics draws.

This season I battled @tarazkp and got smashed but I didn't even notice he was 1000 points ahead of me when we got matched up. He's definitely a better player than me in Modern (obviously) but his collection is super similar to mine... so technically I could be much higher in the Modern league... except without a huge amount of energy I can't ever actually make it (unless I started winning 100% of my games).

I'm already using all my energy each season... so we all kind of get trapped in the same leagues over and over with each reset if we're all winning around 50% of our battles.

At some point I'm going to have to invest in energy or start buying Chests with my glint to move into Modern Champs (also I need to learn the meta better).

Match Report


RankChampion #568Diamond #395
Rating3860 - Champion III3180 - Diamond II
Rating High39203260
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.18 (126/107)1.15 (68/59)
Longest Streak77

My strategy this season was to try and get comfortably in Diamond II with Modern... and then just focus on the higher glint rewards in Wild. My best Glint reward in Modern was about 1K Glint... but in Wild I'm usually getting between 1,600 and 2,000 Glint per win. As you can see, I played nearly double the amount of games in Wild.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
194✨ 260568 Glint + ⭐1881.255 SPS
Season Rewards Claimed✨ 245546 Glint
Glint Spent✨ (492500) Glint

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

Sooooooooooooooooo.... I didn't make my goal:

I was about 5-10 Wild wins off... still pretty close though.

I do have 526K to spend... so let's do that now... I think I'll go 10 Legendary draws and 23 Epic draws, leaving about 4K Glint to try and help me hit that same goal next season...

Even though I'm convinced that the Epic Reward cards are more impactful, you need less Legendary cards to max them out so the further along I can get on that journey (before the Reward cards disappear) the better.

Batch 1 of 10 Legendary Draws for 350K Glint (no potions):

I got two Gold Foil cards (top row, middle two) so that speeds up movement for that Death Ranger card. It doesn't necessarily help Sergeant Grauzral card since I've already got a few versions... but once my non-Gold Foil version outlevels it I'll burn it for 62,500 Glint - which is pretty spectacular.

Batch 1 of 23 Epic Draws for 172,500 Glint (no potions):

Wow! 7 Olivia cards is AMAZING!
I would have loved a couple of Halfling Refugees, but this is a great haul that I'm definitely excited about.
Shock Trooper and Kha'zi Conjurer cards are incredible in No Abilities rulesets or really quick games.

This is my collection of Rebellion Reward cards so far:

I've never thought about it before... but that Death Ranger card looks like a totally solid tank for Little League battles.

This is my progression so far:

A 5th of the way through the Legendary set... not to bad for only two or three seasons of effort.

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(16.984)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

I realized I had a bunch of Gold Foil cards that I'm not using that I thought were rented out, but must have dropped off. I've tried like 3 or 4 times to automatically rent them using PeakMonsters... and it looks like it works but it just doesn't... so I'm going to have to figure that out... especially since DEC is becoming more and more scarce (and needed).

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards3645.358
Ranked Rewards as above1881.255
Brawl Rewards878.077
Land Rewards1137.072
Liquidity Rewards6038.657
License Stake Rewards1312.575
NET SPS14892.994

Obviously moving things around into Liquidity Pools that actually do something was a huge help.
Compared to last season, LP rewards were up (probably because I had the full season this time) but everything else is down.

Season 54 my Net SPS was 16192.784
Season 53 my Net SPS was 5563.962
Season 52 my Net SPS was 9952.873
Season 51 my Net SPS was 14906.164
Season 50 my Net SPS was ???
Season 49 my Net SPS was ???
Season 48 my Net SPS was ???
Season 47 my Net SPS was 9937.225
Season 47 my Net SPS was 11544.785
Season 46 my Net SPS was 19670.974
Season 45 my Net SPS was ???
Season 44 my Net SPS was ???
Season 43 my Net SPS was 11209.623
Season 42 my Net SPS was 11368.979
Season 41 my Net SPS was 15734.601
Season 40 my Net SPS was 5738.528
Season 39 my Net SPS was 12692.220
Season 38 my Net SPS was 10405.610
Season 37 my Net SPS was 7841.389
Season 36 my Net SPS was 9657.743
Season 35 my Net SPS was 9336.764
Season 34 my Net SPS was 13413.875
Season 33 my Net SPS was 29556.874
Season 32 my Net SPS was ???
Season 31 my Net SPS was 10591.881
Season 30 my Net SPS was 12390.883
Season 29 my Net SPS was 12757.227
Season 28 my Net SPS was 13324.727
Season 27 my Net SPS was 14735.391
Season 26 my Net SPS was 18423.610
Season 25 my Net SPS was 15592.310
Season 24 my Net SPS was 9888.861
Season 23 my Net SPS was 11190.555
Season 22 my Net SPS was 11704.133
Season 21 my Net SPS was 14514.412
Season 20 my Net SPS was 16059.041
Season 19 my Net SPS was 17007.533
Season 18 my Net SPS was 32635.224
Season 17 my Net SPS was ???
Season 16 my Net SPS was 9157.288
Season 15 my Net SPS was 17757.516
Season 14 my Net SPS was 14016.525
Season 13 my Net SPS was 12265.515

I did get a full version of the Mana Warden (before the Vouchers exploit happened) which I've found to be a pretty fun card. I have bought a single Sanctus Vicar card because I have one land plot without a title... I thought 3000 DEC was very cheap for a card and a title... but we'll have to see if I can stay in the top 500 after 5 phases. I'm guessing maybe not.

I'm going to need to figure out how to get more energy... either buying it early in the season with DEC or getting Chests... which might only make sense once to get instead of Common Draws.

Hope you're having fun in the game and I look forward to maybe smashing you in the next season...
Thanks for reading!

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


I just spent all of my EOS glint on Epic reward draws. Worth it!



You've got almost all of your Epics at Level 3 already! That's awesome!

They're all really surprisingly useful. The skills that Shock Trooper and Kha'zi Conjurer get at Level 3 add a lot to their utility.


To me they are the most meta cards since they have the new abilities. Every time I get glint I make sure to max out the first batch.


New cards are interesting whenever they come, the game becomes more interesting after seeing their features.
