# I got there! - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 57 Report Card


This amazing piece is from @deddywox and is of the very thorny Lioceros. It's not a card I use often, but I do get excited when I have an opportunity to play it.

Hey everyone!

Sooooooooooooooo, right off the bat... I love love LOVE the new league loot chests. Not only does it make getting into a new league such an exciting event... but the opportunity to get energy in the middle of a season is perfect for me.

I actually hit my Glint goal for the first time because I got extra energy a couple of different times in the season.

I managed to hit:

Modern Diamond III (1 Ultimate, 7 Major, 10 Minor)
Modern Diamond II (2 Ultimate, 8 Major, 11 Minor)
Wild Diamond I (3 Ultimate, 9 Major, 12 Minor)
Wild Champs III (4 Ultimate, 10 Major, 13 Minor)
Wild Champs II (5 Ultimate, 12 Major, 14 Minor)

Overall : 15 Ultimate Loot Chests, 46 Major Loot Chests & 60 Minor Loot Chests.

Wild Champs II feels like a bit of a fluke honestly, I got bounced out of there pretty significantly... almost as soon as I hit it I lost so many games.

It's also meant that I've been able to make some progress on my Rebellion Reward Commons and Rares:

I know 2% doesn't seem like a lot... but it's a start.

Is https://splintershare.info/ by @deadzy working for anyone? I keep getting this error message when I click on the Last Rewards button...

Now that we're getting reward loot chests, SplinterShare would be so immensely useful again.

Getting the extra energy also helped me hit my target of 538K Glint, which means I can get a full Batch 1 of both Legendary and Epic draws. So that is super exciting!

I understand that some people might be worried about the card inflation, but for me it doesn't feel like so many that it'll make a big enough difference, and I'm sure people enjoy the thrill of potential and achievement.

I haven't been spending any potions on any of the loot chests, it's kind of an all or nothing deal (usually I would spend potions just on Ultimate Chests) which is fine.

In regards to the Legends, I was hoping to get a title for 3000 DEC, but it looks like I'll need to spend some more to rise 50 places...

Delya would be such a great card for me... but maxing her out is so expensive. I just don't think I have the spare funds, I'm not super sure what to do at this point...

Match Report


RankChampion #728Diamond #354
Rating3740 - Champion III3260 - Diamond II
Rating High40003320
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.08 (143/132)1.30 (60/46)
Longest Streak117

Pretty happy with my progress... although I did feel that in the second half of the season I lost way more than I won, but I guess that is the balance of things... I still need to learn the winning builds. So many times I find myself trying to be fancy with the new summoners, only to get completely destroyed by a stock standard Water trample build.

Still, my Win/Loss ratio is above 1 for both Wild and Modern, so I'll take it.

My strategy this season was just so much better than my strategy last season. Last season I got it in my head that I should try to hit Diamond II in Modern and then concentrate on Wild for the remainder of the season... which took me way too long. This season I played Wild in the mornings and Modern in the afternoons and that seem to go way better for me.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
203✨ 266691 Glint + ⭐1763.861 SPS
Season Rewards Claimed✨ 222065 Glint
Glint Spent✨ (440000) Glint

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

Alright... let's spend this Glint!

10 Legendary Draws for 350,000 Glint with 10 Alchemy potions:

Nice! No gold foil, but I haven't gotten the Chaos Battle Mage card before, and I'll be able to level up Emberguard, Blackmoor Jinx, Warborn Chieftain and the Frigid Wolf. A faster Wolf is going to be very helpful (since it dies SO easily).

For the Epics... I would really like to get 2 more Halfling Refugee cards to get that Heal ability...

25 Epic Draws for 187,500 Glint with 25 Alchemy potions:

Look at that! Halfling Refugees right off the bat. Also got 3 gold foil cards, 2 of them being the Shock guy.
Very happy with this batch!

Awesome, I'm sitting at Level 3 for all of my epics but one (Thanalorian Blade which is a single card away from Level 3):

Arachne Weaver now gets the Scavenger ability which might help him survive a little longer.

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(26.574)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Honestly, I wish I was able to earn 2000 DEC in rentals per season to pay for my Wild pass. I'm running out of funds for that guy.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards3350.722
Ranked Rewards as above1763.861
Brawl Rewards826.478
Land Rewards1039.426
Liquidity Rewards5499.501
License Stake Rewards1212.120
NET SPS13692.108

Down a touch from the last couple of seasons... but I'm still earnt $109 USD for playing a game for 14 days. Not too shabby...

Alright, my SPS earning history is getting a little long, so I'll try a table thing...


Alright! Pretty happy with this season and hitting my 538K Glint target to get both batches.
Hope your games have been fun and I look forward to seeing you in the Splintered Lands...

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


Thank you for mention and make my fanart Splinterpands in your blog😊🙏


Should I start playing again?

Can I even play with my old ass cards? !LOL


Hahaha, you've got so many cards! I reckon you should try playing again now that they've got the reward chests when you break into a new league... between those and buying new card draws with Glint you should be able to update your deck with the newest cards pretty painlessly (maybe).


It's nice to see that people are getting more interested in this game again so that's a good sign.


I !LUV the new league loot chests as well! A nice little bonus mid season to help keep me motivated. I thought I did a little better this season win wise but the stats don't lie, I seem to be going backyards !LOL.
