Working out my resources for Land 1.5
Hi everyone!
With the news that there will not initially be a GRAIN:DEC pool with the release of Land 1.5, I thought it might be wise for me to work out exactly what I need myself... and how I might navigate the first month or too until that pool is available. There is no way to store Grain, so any extra produced is kind of wasted.
There is so much information to be on top of, so if I've got something wrong or I've made some terrible assumptions, please let me know.
I have 7 plots. I was originally intending to equip my best plot to research the Secrets of Praetoria and everything else was going to farm grain to sell for DEC.
To me, the whole point of land, is to generate DEC that I can use to purchase cards to play Splinterlands. My priority is to upgrade my card collection to win more games. The irony is that all the cards listed below are currently on the Rental market collecting DEC... I'm assuming they'll ultimately make more SPS and/or DEC using Land... but I don't truly know that to be true. I assume Land will drain thousands of cards off the rental market, which would drive the price up for the cards that remain... is this shiny new toy completely misaligned with my actual goals?

There is so much pressure to get the right cards assigned to the right plots, because it takes 3 days to reassign a card if you want to move it around... that's a lot of lost production...
I'm not sure... but at this point I'm not intending to use any Time Crystals. I imagine they'll become super important once buildings are availble... but I totally hold the right to absolutely change my mind on that.
Here is my intended buildout.
Resource reserves :
- 350K DEC for staking 35 workers (7 x 5 Max Level workers)
- 35K DEC for power sources
- 105,000 Grain
- 1,050 Time Crystals
- 7 Buildings in a Box (probs don't actually need those power source DEC now)
Plot 1 - Rare Fire Magic Canyon
Number | Card | Production |
0. | Epic Totem | 0 |
0. | Common (Legionaire) Title | 0 |
1. | Runi | 1,500 PP |
2. | Maxed Common Alpha Death card | 10,500 PP |
3. | Maxed Common Alpha Death card | 10,500 PP |
4. | Maxed Common Alpha Fire card | 10,500 PP |
5. | Maxed Common Gold Chaos Fire card | 2,100 PP |
6. | Maxed Legendary Chaos Fire card | 1,575 PP |
==== Base 36,675 PP Boosted 99,022PP (135,697PP for Research) ====
There is a 110,000 base production limit but I'm nowhere near that.
For the above land, it's going to require 4.95M Production Points to clear that land. I think it's going to take me around 50 hours, which will eat up 19,000 grain. (37,000 Production points x 0.01 grain for 50 hours).
After the plot is cleared, the workers take 24 hours to prepare the land for research. I assume they'll need grain during this 24 hours (although I'm not 100% on this) so that's another 9,000 grain needed. Then they'll start researching and will need 370 grain for every hour from then on.
Workers will consume Grain at a rate of 0.01 Grain per base production point they provide per hour. Grain will be produced at a rate of 0.02 per PP per hour. So essentially if you're going to be self-sufficient, half your overall production points need to go towards farming grain. I have 7 plots, so, ah, that's awkward.
Plot 2 - Common Natural River
Number | Card | Production |
0. | Rare Totem | 0 |
0. | Common (Scorcher) Title | 0 |
1. | Runi | 1,500 PP |
2. | Maxed Common Alpha Earth card | 11,000 PP |
3. | Maxed Common Alpha Earth card | 11,000 PP |
4. | Maxed Common Gold Alpha Life card | 20,000 PP |
5. | Maxed Common Alpha Life card | 10,000 PP |
6. | Maxed Legendary Chaos Earth card | 1,650 PP |
==== Base 55,150 PP Boosted 129,602PP (2,040 grain/hr) ====
This plot will take 1.50M PP to clear, which is 12 hours.
It's going to cost 6,618 grain to clear this plot.
24 hours to prepare the land will cost an additional 13,236 grain.
The PeakMonsters Land Calculator is awesome because it already subtracts the grain consumed. The 2,040 grain/hr is the additional grain after these workers have fed themselves.
There's also a 10% tax on grain production. I assume the tax applies before these workers have fed themselves and not after (although this could be wrong). I think the taxes here would be 259 per hour.
I'll farm 2,040 minus 259 = 1,781 per hour extra.
Plot 1 will need 370 per hour.
So far I'll have 1,411 Grain per hour available.
Of my starting resources (105,000 Grain) I'll have used up 47,854 (19K+9K+6618+13236) leaving 57,146 grain.
Plot 3 - Common Natural Desert
Number | Card | Production |
0. | Common Totem | 0 |
1. | Maxed Legendary Gold Chaos Neutral card | 10,000 PP |
2. | Maxed Legendary Chaos Neutral card | 1,500 PP |
3. | Maxed Legendary Chaos Neutral card | 1,500 PP |
4. | Maxed Legendary Chaos Dragon card | 1,650 PP |
5. | Maxed Common Chaos Dragon card | 1,100 PP |
==== Base 15,750 PP Boosted 17,325PP (189 grain/hr) ====
This plot will take 1.50M PP to clear, which is 86 hours.
It's going to cost 13,545 grain to clear this plot.
24 hours to prepare the land will cost an additional 3,780 grain.
Of my remaining starting resources (57,146) I'll use up another 17,325 leaving 39,821 grain.
Hourly grain production is 346. 10% tax is 35.
So 1,411+154 is 1,565 per hour surplus. Without the GRAIN:DEC pool online, this will go to waste... so I guess the next couple of plots should farm something else.
Plot 4 - Common Natural Canyon
Number | Card | Production |
0. | Common Totem | 0 |
1. | Maxed Common Chaos Death card | 1,050 PP |
2. | Maxed Common Chaos Death card | 1,050 PP |
3. | Maxed Common Chaos Death card | 1,050 PP |
4. | Maxed Common Chaos Death card | 1,050 PP |
5. | Maxed Common Chaos Death card | 1,050 PP |
==== Base 5,250 PP Boosted 5,775 (63 grain/hr) ====
Man, the 5% bonuses on the Canyon and Tundra just aren't as fun as the 10% bonuses on the other lands. The luck of the draw is such a thing here.
If I was smart I would have spent the last few months selling cards and buying the correct splinters to Min Max everything... but I just... weirdly, get emotionally attached to my cards. Or I'm too lazy and just want to leave everything as is or I FOMO and I'm scared to lose value with mistimed sales... Weirdo.
This plot will take 1.50M PP to clear, which is 260 hours, which is 10 days. Yeesh!
It's going to cost 13,650 grain to clear this plot.
24 hours to prepare the land will cost an additional 1,260 grain.
Of my remaining starting resources (39,821) (although plot 2 would probably be producing grain for a week at this point) I'll use up another 14,910 leaving 24,911 grain.
This plot will require 52.5 grain to keep running so my hourly grain surplus will be 1,565-52.5= 1,512.
I guess I'll set this plot to farm SPS since I'm not farming that yet.
Plot 5 - Common Natural Desert
Number | Card | Production |
0. | Common Totem | 0 |
1. | Maxed Common Untamed Fire card | 2,420 PP |
2. | Maxed Common Untamed Fire card | 2,420 PP |
3. | Maxed Common Gold Chaos Neutral card | 2,420 PP |
4. | Maxed Legendary Chaos Death card | 1,650 PP |
5. | Maxed Common Chaos Dragon card | 1,210 PP |
==== Base 9,200 PP Boosted 10,120 (110.40 grain/hr) ====
This plot will take 1.50M PP to clear, which is 148 hours (6 days) at a cost of 13,616 grain.
24 hours to prepare the land, an additional 2,208 grain.
Of my remaining starting resources (24,911 grain) I'll use up another 15,824 leaving 9,087 grain. Looks like my starting resources aren't going to cover the clearing and preparing of all my plots. So this is where Plot 2 will really need to kick in. I'm going to have to work out the timings in another post I think.
This plot will require 92 grain hourly, so my hourly grain surplus (which timing will massively affect) will be 1,420 as I'll set this to farm SPS too.
Plot 6 - Common Natural River
Number | Card | Production |
0. | Common Totem | 0 |
1. | Maxed Common Gold Chaos Water card | 2,420 PP |
2. | Maxed Legendary Chaos Life card | 1,650 PP |
3. | Maxed Common Chaos Water card | 1,210 PP |
4. | Maxed Common Chaos Water card | 1,210 PP |
5. | Maxed Common Chaos Earth card | 1,210 PP |
==== Base 7,000 PP Boosted 7,700 (84 grain/hr) ====
This plot will take 1.50M PP to clear, which is 194 hours (8 days) at a cost of 13,580 grain.
24 hours to prepare the land, an additional 1,680 grain.
Of my starting resources of 9,087 grain, this will use 15,260 grain. So yeah, I might have to use time crystals on Plot 2 after all.
It looks like there are no storage issues and I could accumulate as much grain as I wanted to.
I guess where I mentioned grain going to waste above, that's not actually true, I can just keep accumulating until Land 2.0.... or until GRAIN:DEC pools are availble in Land 1.6.
This plot will consume 70 grain per hour, so my hourly grain surplus will be 1,350.
This plot can farm SPS too.
Plot 7 - Common Natural Desert
At this point I'm wondering if I should sell this plot and pick up something that Death likes... (but my plots are all in a line, dagnammit). I guess we're really only talking about some 10%s here and there.
Number | Card | Production |
0. | Common Totem | 0 |
1. | Maxed Legendary Chaos Death card | 1,650 PP |
2. | Maxed Legendary Chaos Death card | 1,650 PP |
3. | Maxed Common Chaos Fire card | 1,210 PP |
4. | Maxed Common Chaos Fire card | 1,210 PP |
5. | Maxed Common Chaos Death card | 1,100 PP |
==== Base 6,200 PP Boosted 6,820 (74 grain/hr) ====
This plot will take 1.50M PP to clear, which is 219 hours (9 days) at a cost of 13,578 grain.
24 hours to prepare the land, an additional 1,488 grain.
My starting resources of -6,173 will go further negative to -21,239.
This plot will consume 62 grain an hour, so my hourly grain surplus will be 1,288.
This plot can farm SPS too.
So this is my plan for Land 1.5 - is there anything you would change or adjust? Am I doing things a stupid way? Let me know!
Thanks so much for reading and/or scanning and/or commenting without reading.
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Seems like that the economy of the ecosystem is complex as well!
Farming to get SPS, improving the deck and challenging opponents. It really seems like a very well structured ecosystem
Yeah, I think the Splinterlands team is working hard to make sure there are lots of different ways to earn in the game.
It's really been a while I saw you on this space. Hope everything is cool friend
Yeah, I'm really good, just working on a few different projects.
I think this will actually be a nice tactic
Thank you for sharing this and you are welcome back because it has been a while since I saw you here
Thanks Rafzat!
It looks like a great project, I like to see that it has complex features in a way, that gives value to what you are trying to create in the game.
#hive #posh
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Very well considered analysis.
We'll have unlimited grain storage in 1.5
It's held per region but there's no upper limit, so go ahead and farm lots.
Exciting times. I was hoping for serfing in 1.5, because I'm so far from having even a fraction of the cards and/or DEC I need.
When the SPS inflation stops dropping, and has to be earned on land, I expect I'll take a significant haircut. Kinda glad smaller punters who've planned for it, and have sufficient cards and DEC will make up the difference.
Hmm, I hadn't really thought about the nuance of the per region holding... so if I purchased another plot away from my others, I wouldn't be able to send grain over to it, or vice versa, that's good to know.
This was very much a post for my own brain more than anything else.
I realised I had overcounted my Charlocks (I forgot I had to leave one to play with) and wanted to get an idea on how long my starting grain would last.
I also didn't realise this until I started this post.. but I need to make a couple of decisions on whether I use Gold cards for Land, or keep playing with them. I had assumed I would keep Gold Foil cards for playing with... but the PP for Gold is so high that I think I'll throw in the Gold versions for any cards I don't use all that often.
It won't cost you anything just to hold land empty right? You could work the lands you do have the cards and DEC for, and then slowly expand as you bring in SPS, etc to trade...?
That's right. I'll just work my best plots at first and slowly expand.
Landserfing sounds promising. Details are still opaque, but it'd be a way for people with cards to stake them on other people's empty plots, with an automatic split of the resources harvested.
Aggy's suggested it'll be a high priority after 1.5 is operational.
Yeah, it definitely seems like a win win opportunity.
I've had to buy a few cards just to get enough cards to work my own lands... but I'm sure once I've maxed up a lot of my soulbound reward cards I'd be interested in Landserfing too.