RE: When the Best Thing Your Can Do Is To Stop Doing Things (Splinterlands)


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Yes these are all great ideas and im on the investing side these will all improve the economy and my returns as well as the game experiance is deff a thing that i beleive is high on the priority to bc that is how the revenue comes in from people that play with less concern about the financial aspect than say i have. I have fun with the finaicial aspect of it and figureing out different ways to make money in the game and also ways to help grow the game since it benefits me in all ways as i profit on all sides of it if the company does well as a stock holder investor, if the dao does well as a larger holder, assets do well etc, and now with the two new games im looking at those as the next thing that will do well once released i think soul keep right now has a lot of potential as well as gls once more games are out for it that will be a powerhouse i think now is a good time to look at scooping upsome assets in that after it had the price hit if your able to take the risk with it. I think the product will be great and once it has a larger market that type ofthing wont happen again or as substantial. Wish it didnt but cant do anything other than just vote with my feet and not support things i dont think should be supported. Either way i think all three of the games have a bright future with what they are doing i can see kind of whats going to happen if it all goes well and when dec supply drys up im betting the flywheel starts which will breathe some life into sps and start that whole thing which is key to the economy and sps price action. If that happens the nodes may hit the next price tier which will be very good for say me as ive been buying at 600-800 a node now if they hit the 5000 tier or even start getting bough again at the current tier will work out great for my node aspect of my fund since ill be able to take a nice gain on them and offer them at a discount from the price to investors in my investment club. Im not promoting the investment club here fyi this is not a promotion or anything i will be doing that off on a separate platform made to comply with all the rules etc and one is no general solicitaiton for the regulation ill be using so this is not a offer to sell any type of security or interest in the fund i just mention it bc its part of my plan to do and one of the smarter ways to do it since you collect the management fees and get the syndicators promote as part of the return orthe carried interest as compensation for managing the investments mainly for people who want esposure but have no idea how to do it and dont want to do it just want to get a distribution every week or month with the profits from the fund and K-1 at the end of the year and there will be a team of general partners who manage the club like most clubs or funds operate. Depending on the funding that will help the company be able to develop some of these things if i am able to raise enough capital. We will also be doing various things on hive to stream etc and people can be compensated possibly with a interest in the club based on the work they do but structure im thinking about still under dev. As you can imagine this stuff can get very complicated. Been working on this for a while and looking at all the rules etc is a nightmare but will be worth it i think.

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