RE: Musings on Splinterlands, Arbitrage, and Patience


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May also start looking in countries that the usd goes really far in and have access to a phone and internet if i can find one that it goes farther in than any other i can pay less but the player gets more value in there country and i can make a bigger margin as well. Do that on 50 accounts and harvest soulbound cards , have a specific tournament team to play tournaments with all the accounts and have a team to play forge and glg but i will likely only have a 100 packs i open the rest ive sold or will be selling or holding for way later to buy more nodes bc those will keep producing after glg staking stops and then buy stadiums as well in the pre sale or promo sale when ever that comes out to get a few depending on how much like if there 500-1000 ill probably buy 20 if there 5000 probably like 1-2 and maybe another 2 later if more prob one and hold off and see

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