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Weere going to do node shards and just take a 5% straight split on it an will also have some wild ones with the value of each sps and voucher distirbution say this one is a 15% split bc of more active mgmt of putting each distribution in lps to collect fees an the best lp rewards for 4-5 pools. Also will have things in other funds on some like embers ember funds are a interesting one that can ebr accumulated with all or half the value of he distributions it would be interesting to have that and sps and vouchers be distributed or bought after swap then done eachweek with the ember funds to gain a larger dca stake in.

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0.000 SPT


or have one that is rented purely for a calculated amount of spt fixed each week and updated then we get to us ethe vote and staked spt for proposals and voting as well as voting income for are curation service to either sell votes at 2x curation for the cost of 1X to gain more power the lower margin isnt a big deal if you get like 100 million staked on your for it. Might be wworth a shot to use the combined voteing power to of pppl for a day to buy a node or a week do do a whole node fund if we get enough stakes for a week to buy a bunch of nodes and then all the staked tokens who helped us get propotional to the value a share of 90% with a 10% carried interest equity and distirbution fee for managing all of it and organizing the group for votes on what to do in certian situations basically the admin for the club each node shards club will have one to 5 nodes depending on the numebr of ppl and amount purchased per person. once nodes go live then the cost of running them will be deducted as well. But were interested in doing staking for node shares wheree we must get the vote value by being delegated say a few million spt some hiive and a bunch of other tokens we will vote for a week until we have enought for a node and purhase the node call it Node Cannon IC DAO 1 and keep doing them lol

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0.000 SPT