Ability strategy analysis: Phase


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Another week another deep dive into an ability. This week we have a look at Phase. With this ability the miss calculations are even out now also magic has a the similar miss calculation as melee and ranged


Magic attacks can miss this Unit (using the same hit/miss calculation as Melee and Ranged attacks)

Attack Accuracy
When a melee or ranged Unit attacks, there is a chance that the attack may miss depending on certain variables:

  • Blind - Reduces attack accuracy by 15%
  • Dodge - Reduces attack accuracy by 25%
  • Flying - Reduces attack accuracy by 25% (only if the attacking Unit isn't flying)
  • Speed Differential - Reduces attack accuracy by 10% per speed differential point

All Units start with 100% attack accuracy. The variables above work together and reduce the accuracy starting from 100%.
Blind, Dodge, and Flying are non-self-stacking abilities.
Blind cannot stack with Blind, but Blind can stack with Flying.
Magic attacks are guaranteed to hit unless the target has Phase.

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

Abilities benefits

Swiftness/Slow - All speed buff and debuffs will benefits the phase ability. This increases the chance to misses on the phase unit

Blind - I like to even increase also the miss chance for melee and range units therefor i like to brind some unit with blind.

Be aware of abilities
True Strike - When true strike is in the mix phase will not do anything.

Ruleset benefits
Wands out - when there are only magic unit phase has a increase chance to be beneficial.
Target Practice - All units gain snipe. Consider placing your unit with Phase in the second position to draw (and evade) snipe attempts from magic units. You can further increase your odds by adding speed and evasive maneuvers such as dodge.

Be aware with ruleset
Aim True - When this rule set is in the mix its useless to select a phase unit because all units have true strike and will not miss.

Select / favorite

Mine Phase units:

There is also the Riftwatchers summoner, this give all units phase:

Many units the phase is just an extra benefit but for Chaos Agent its often the reason why i select this unit. This unit
This shows how often i select this unit:


Chaos Agent does not have any attack point it still has a 54% win change this how good this unit is even on Champion level you will encounter this Chaos Agent


Most of the time i select it with low mana games:


A medium mana battle where i want to try a high speed setup that evades everything. This where the chaos agent can shine.


Fog of War:
No sneak or snipe op opportunity. So expect unit to attack the front. Or do like me and select scatter shot it will attack randomly. Scatter shot is not influenced by the Fog of War.

The Lineup


I want to max out my speed so the miss change is increased. The scatter shot in combination with the fog of war can caught my opponent of gaurd.

Monsters Lineup


Chaos Agent (lvl 10)
Star of this week. Especially in the line up for the high evade. The phase is important so also magic attack can miss its attacks on the Chaos Agent. If many misses will take place this unit will also de some nice return damage.

Scavo Chemist (lvl 10)
Speed modifier 1. Slow the opponent to increase the chances on misses.

Ferox Defender (lvl 10)
This unit give the Chaos Agent shield and it can be repaired when its hit. This should protect the chaos agent from a instant kill. Because the choas agent doe not have much health.

Molten Ash Golem (lvl 8)
Weaken the opponent in health and reduce melee damage by 1.

Supply Runner (lvl 10)
Second speed modifier, give all my units +1 speed. Also gives all my units a extra health.

Countess Sinash (lvl 4)
Third speed modifier another +1 speed for my team. Its in the back because it doe not have high health and there will be no sneak units.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle


Start :

Lets analyze the battlefield. Not very low speed unit but still the least miss chance i have is against the coastal sentry and that is still 55% change to miss. 3 speed difference so 30% + 25% of the dodge. I noticed i missed to place a blind unit.
Still I have some solid damage in the back but my lineup depends heavily on the miss lest see if it works out...

Round 1:

it is working 5 misses so i did 10 melee damage in return damage. Also the phase worked on River Nymph with a already 50% miss chance only from the speed difference then 25% from dodge so 75% change it misses. It did and with the return damage the Chaos Agent killed the River Nymph.

Round 2:

One extra benefit with the high speed is that you also can attack first.
Another 2 misses and my Chaos Agent is still alive. Even that the Diemonshark is fully healed again I'm not worries when the other units are dead i will do enough damage to kill it.

Round 3:

No misses this round, but the armor gained by the repair saved my Chaos Agent. Next round it will be over because i repair and the Diemonshark will only hit the armor.

Round 4:

Again because of the speed difference i attack before my opponent could and killed then before that.


Love to see that speed is still meta in this game. High speed with extra evade and phase is a lethal combination. You will simply win when your opponent cannot hit you and you do some damage.
This demonstrates how important the Chaos Agent can be even on the highest level, this was a champion battle.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindAbility post: Blind
BloodlustAbility post: Bloodlust
CamouflageAbility post: Camouflage
ConscriptAbility post: Conscript
Close RangeAbility post: Close Range
CleanseAbility post: Cleanse
CrippleAbility post: Cripple
DeathblowAbility post: Deathblow
DemoralizeAbility post: Demoralize
DispelAbility post: Dispel
Divine ShieldAbility post: Divine Shield
DodgeAbility post: Dodge
Double StrikeAbility post: Double Strike
EnrageAbility post: Enrage
FlyingAbility post: Flying
ForcefieldAbility post: Forcefield
FuryAbility post: Fury
Giant KillerAbility post: Giant Killer
HalvingAbility post: Halving
HeadwindsAbility post: Headwinds
HealAbility post: Heal
Tank HealAbility post: Tank Heal
ImmunityAbility post: Immunity
InspireAbility post: Ispire
Knock OutAbility post: Knock Out
Last StandAbility post: Last Stand
Life LeechAbility post: Life leech
Magic ReflectAbility post: Magic Reflect
MartyrAbility post: Martyr
OpportunityAbility post: Opportunity
OppressAbility post: Oppress

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

