Ability strategy analysis: Poison

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This week we have a deep dive into the poison ability. One of the nicer abbility.


new icon, which is much nicer:

Attacks have a 50% chance to apply poison, which does automatic 2 damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied.


  • Poison is not affected by shield, void, or armor buffs.
  • Units that are cleansed or resurrected will not be re-applied unless another poison attack is activated/received.
  • Poison has no effect on units with immunity.

Official ability information from splinterlands: List abilities

Synergies / strategy

Abilities benefits

Camouflage - Avoid detection, particularly by units with snipe. Allow your unit with poison to survive while dealing out damage.
Scavenger - Units with scavenge gain 1 max health each time any unit dies. Use poison to speed death and bolster your scavenging unit's health

Be aware of abilities

Immunity - Be aware of immunity this will ignore any attempts to poison.
Cleanse - Be aware of cleanse it can remove the poison of the first unit.

Ruleset benefits
Equalizer - Your opponent may take advantage of this ruleset by using healers to maintain a high health level. Prevent this by using poison to undermine their efforts.
Holy Protection - Poison can take effect even with divine shield active. Rob your opponent of the full benefit of this ruleset with Poison

Select / favorite

Mine poison untis:

When i start writing this post i first toughed it was a easy pick but it was not. There are 3 unit that use so often with main reason it has poison, Deeplurker/Uraeus and Doctor Blight.
Still i think my Doctor blight is the best I bought is e few months ago for 95$ and I'm very happy with it.
It can be used with little league rule set and foremost it has camouflage and scavenger that makes it a very strong unit

Here are my most used unit


The best performing poison units with minimal 200 battles


What i just notice that most of my poison units have a high win rate. Look at my most used units over all my monitored matched, top two have poison:


If you zoom into Doctor Blight you see that its most used in lower to medium mana matches:



Medium mana battle with reverse speed. Super sneak and trample for all units even in this high mana battle doctor blight can be very useful especially the camouflage can be used in you advantage


Reverse Speed:
Units with lower speeds will attack before units with higher speeds. Attack Accuracy based on speed will also be reversed.

Super Sneak:
All melee unit will gain the sneak ability so it can attack from any position and will attack the last unit.

All unit will gain the trample ability. When a Unit with Trample hits and kills its target with a Melee attack, it will perform another Melee attack on the next Unit on the enemy Team

The Lineup


This is not a summoner i use often but in this case i want the extra resurrect to boost my doctor blight one more time.

Monsters Lineup


Legionnaire Alvar (lvl 4)
Strong melee unit in the front that also reduces the enemy melee attack with 1.

Riftwing (lvl 10)
This unit will be boosted with 2 magic attack making it a nice strong unit that will gain a health every unit that is being killed.

Skok Duskblight (lvl 3)
Important unit that is select for two reasons one is the resurrect to boost my doctor blight twice

Will-o-Wisp (lvl 6)
Another strong unit when its boosted by weapon training with 2 magic attack.

Venari Marksrat (lvl 8)
Very important unit in this strategy. It needs to boost the Will-o-Wisp and the also important doctor blight.
I strategy works it boost the 3 times so +3 magic damage for will-o-wisp and doctor blight

Doctor Blight (lvl 4)
Star of this week the camouflage is major important here. The poison and affliction combination is good. That for a long time this was my number one card on my whish list. After 1.5 year watching myself lose against it i bought it. Very happy with this unit.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle


Start :

Lets analyze the battle lineup. Is see some melee units that will attack my back that is positive for the intended strategy.
Down side is he has chosen to reduce my magic attack by 1 so the boost is not only nice but also necessary.
I can land some poison and affliction this will hurt the cursed windeku enough.
My opponent expected a sneak melee team so for him its a surprise it will be attack only from the front.

Round 1:

Nice 3 boosts are done. Note that the 3 kills on the same unit also gained extra health for doctor blight and riftwing.
Now it will go fast with 2 times 4 magic damage. One downside is that the speed is also boosted so with reverse speed you have to be careful with. That is, in this case, only important for who will attack first because magic is excluded from the miss calculation, unless phase is used.

Round 2:

Another unit down. With only one serious compatitor (Harklaw) left on the battlefield the match is already detemined at this point.

Round 3:

With all unit that are dying my teams get stronger, riftwing already on 14 health and doctor blight on 13 😍

Round 4:

Last round and gained a lot of health my Riftwing has not 16 health and my doctor blight 15, that is why i love this strategy.


Poison is one of my favorite abilities. Since a few seasons now also one of my favorite units is doctor blight. In this battle you have witnessed both showing why 😍.

Previous ability strategy posts

Below you will find references to the other ability strategies / analysis posts.

AfflictionAbility post: Affliction
AmplifyAbility post: Amplify
BackfireAbility post: Backfire
BlastAbility post: Blast
BlindAbility post: Blind
BloodlustAbility post: Bloodlust
CamouflageAbility post: Camouflage
ConscriptAbility post: Conscript
Close RangeAbility post: Close Range
CleanseAbility post: Cleanse
CrippleAbility post: Cripple
DeathblowAbility post: Deathblow
DemoralizeAbility post: Demoralize
DispelAbility post: Dispel
Divine ShieldAbility post: Divine Shield
DodgeAbility post: Dodge
Double StrikeAbility post: Double Strike
EnrageAbility post: Enrage
FlyingAbility post: Flying
ForcefieldAbility post: Forcefield
FuryAbility post: Fury
Giant KillerAbility post: Giant Killer
HalvingAbility post: Halving
HeadwindsAbility post: Headwinds
HealAbility post: Heal
Tank HealAbility post: Tank Heal
ImmunityAbility post: Immunity
InspireAbility post: Ispire
Knock OutAbility post: Knock Out
Last StandAbility post: Last Stand
Life LeechAbility post: Life leech
Magic ReflectAbility post: Magic Reflect
MartyrAbility post: Martyr
OpportunityAbility post: Opportunity
OppressAbility post: Oppress
PhaseAbility post: Phase
PiercingAbility post: Piercing

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ability strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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