Battle mage secret: Odd Ones Out



This week Odd Ones Out. Every time i read this i think of Odd mana cost units are out of the selection but instead you can only select unit that have a odd mana cost.
Not a very special rules set simply a restrictive rule set.

When it combines with two other restrictive rule set sometimes it can be challenging to select a team. One of the reason to have many unit with different costs and edition to have unit te select from when this is the case.


Only units with odd mana costs may be used.

Note: Summoners are not affected by this rule.

Official ruleset information from splinterlands: List-of-In-Game-Rulesets

Abilities Synergies / Strategies

For this ruleset there are not special benefits or synergies with certain abilities or units.

For this ruleset there are not special benefits or synergies with certain abilities or units.

This are my most played units in this rule set:


This are my best performing units with this rule set with minimal 50 battles:



Same goes for the avoid, there are no units to avoid just able to select fewer units.

Example battle


Medium mana battle where not only odds mana cost units can be select but also no ranged units. With 2 restrictive rule sets you can get in trouble with the amount of units you can select.
Now with rebellion you at least can play the dual summoner. Unfortunately my rebellion summoners are nu leveled enough to be used in ranked.


Odd Ones Out:
Rule set of the week and only odd mana cost units may be selected.

Broken Arrows:
No range unit to chose from.

Target Practice:
All in this case magic units gain the Snipe ability, normally also ranged unit but those are left out because of the broken arrows rule set.

The Lineup


the -1 ranged is useless but i want to have a dragon to have more choice of units and the -1 speed will always help.

Units Lineup


Desert Dragon (lvl 4)
This tank is strong with piercing retaliate and trample great option in the front.

Void Dragon (lvl 4)
When this unit get in the front it has a great speed in combination with phase i hope on some misses by my opponent. Like to combine this with quix with the -1 speed for my opponent

Djinn Renova (lvl 6)
Either because of the target practice or melee units with opportunity or sneak this unit will heal the backline.

Spirit Hoarder (lvl 4)
Another heal on the team. Again with the target practice I expect it will help to have two healers.

Adelade Brightwing (lvl 4)
Important unit in this strategy because of the speed and repair. The repair should recover some armor of my tank. The speed is for the Void dragon to increase the miss change even more.

Uraeus (lvl 6)
Backline protector not with to many health but it made the team for its sneak in combination with poison.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle


Start :

Pretty similar lineup and i directly like the choice of Jared Scar with the bloodlust. This is the unit that needs to die quickly to prevent it bloodlust to be triggered. This will be hard most of the units will attack the second position because of the target practice.

Round 1:

This will be close call in the front i need strike fist and kill Jared Scar or i will be in trouble i guess.
Many misses on both side so the Void Dragon is doing its job on both sides.

Round 2:

Killed Jared Scar once, forgot my opponent also had a resurrect. Just like previous round many misses on both sides. So i need to strike first again next round.

Round 3:

Luckily killed the Jared Scar* now I have the upper hand with one more unit so it should be a win.
Second part where i got lucky is the poison, i landed it on his Uraeus my opponent did not yet on my Uraeus

Round 4:

The lead expanded in this round big time. My Uraeus is still not poisoned he even missed.

Round 5:

Just two more units left and because the last unit i melee now first all attackers will be on the front even with the target practice. He finally landed the poison but that far to late.

Round 6:

One unit left. Just lost my first unit.

Round 7:



Odd Ones Out is not a difficult rule set sometime you miss some units but there plenty to chose from. This can become harder when there are 1 or 2 more restrictive rule sets in the mix.

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ruleset strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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