Splinterlands - You cannot always strike gold on the battlefield, but never give up

Splinterlands thrilling battles either make you feel like you strike gold or that you want to start running in the other direction. I wanted to make this post about a series of winning and how I leveled up in 2 Leagues and I earned some awesome rewards. I leveled up from Gold I to Diamond III and was closed to move from Diamond III to Diamond II. I think only about 40 points remained to Level up also to Diamond II and grab the reward chests for leveling up, but a series of loses threw me back to Gold I if you can imagine. So, it seems I need to climb back up and strategize better to reach my objectives on the battlefield. But one thing is clear - I will not give up.

Until I will be able to reach Diamond II, I will show you the sweet rewards that awaited for me when I first reached Diamond III. Every little victory is a step into the right direction and I've set into my mind that I need to enjoy them and keep me motivated for when bad times like a series of loses come. So, let's go.

Here is when I've reached to the Wild advancement - Diamond III Unlocked and several goodies were waiting for me at this stage.

Next I have chosen the Legendary and Alchemy Potions in order to boost up the chances for better rewards, in a ratio of 1:1 with the available rewards chests.

The excitement and thrilling was filling up the air as the Rewards Chests appeared on the screen. Swiftly, I've started revealing one by one. And here are the rewards raining down on me... Not a Legendary or any Gold Foils, but I am quite happy with my two Epics - Arachne Weaver.

And to be fully transparent, here is my loses series which got me way back from my goals. But as soon as I will finish drafting this post, I will switch back to fighting and strategize more carefully when sending my warriors to battle. There could be better enemies, but sometimes putting the right warriors in the right place and corelating that with the battle rules, might get a surprising victory.

So enough talking and getting back to fighting the good fight in the Splinterlands. Sometimes our mind is the strongest point, but can be also the weakest. Thus it is important not to give up, maybe take a break, calm down and return to the game with fresh forces. That's what I've done and I even succeeded to grab a fast victory. Let's see if I can transform that into a series and climb back the lost ranking. See you at the top!

Here you can Join Splinterlands as well and Fight the Good Fight: https://splinterlands.com?ref=sm-goldies

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congrats on your level up! I've never really played this game but I know the struggle a gamer has from time to time :)


You seem like a very good player
Big ups to you for your level up
Good job!


Congratulations on that epic card that you got, the archane Weaver you got is such a useful card and you saved about 15k Glint for get them.
