Why Djinn Biljka is the Cheapest Legendary


This Tree Needs Some Roots

Of the three newest reward legendary cards I believe Djinn Biljka is the least appealing and suffers from a multitude of weaknesses.

two biljka.PNG

The main draw of Djinn Biljka is his currently unique ability “Camouflage” that makes him unable to be targeted unless he is in the front position. On paper this ability combined with magic attack should make for an excellent monster, and they do. But his other areas that are majorly lacking.


Whether the card is level 1 or Max its health, speed, and armor never increase. Sadly, “Camouflage” does not make up for this as Djinn Biljka is susceptible to a number of vulnerabilities.

The Vulnerabilities

While Djinn Biljka is unable to be targeted by attacks, that does not mean he can’t be hit by them. Biljka will still be hit by abilities such as Blast or Redemption which don’t rely on targeting. It's pretty common to experience snipe along blast.

Due to his low health Biljka is also susceptible to magic reflect until he reaches level 2 for “Void”. But, once he reaches Max level he will again harm himself due the 3 attack.

When it comes to rulesets, I believe Djinn Biljka is at a disadvantage as well:

  • At all levels he dies to the poison from Noxious Fumes and Earthquake on the first round
  • Back to Basics takes his only safety away and leaves meh stats
  • Equalizer requires him to be max level or else, might as well use a Goblin Sorcerer or Enchanted Pixie
  • Explosive Weaponry is his bane as previously mentioned.

Wrapping Up

I won’t deny that the card does have potential in some circumstances, but they are rather far and few. In comparison to the other legendary Djinn, Oshansus, Biljka is simply outclassed across the board. Both Oshansus and Harklaw have a wider array of uses and potential, Biljka is a one trick pony.

I believe as long as these three cards stay in print Djinn Biljka will continue to be the lowest in value for sometime to come.


@jim-crypto @doomz @ultm8x @tedus @jbtc19warrior
