Reflections on a Challenging Season: From Modern Struggles to Wild Victories


Oops finally the season has ended, to be honest, this season was really hard for me. I was playing in the modern but unfortunately, I didn't made any success there. I did stuck in 1200 to 1400 ratings, yes the rewards were so good even if I was in the lower league but I didn't manage to push my rank up in modern. So in the last few days, I decided to move to the wild I did manage to reach around 1800 ratings. Before the end of the season but unfortunately, it was really hard for me to push my rank to 2K. Thanks to my mentor he did help a lot in the last moment and saved my a**.

Urdu I did get a few good rewards between the season. I was unable to get more than 5 reward chests in the last season. But still summary awards are good I did got a few gold cards. For me it was really heart to end this season I was trying my best to push my rank but unfortunately that didn't happen because the players are so good.

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Yes, I did lose a lot of battles but I did learn so many new techniques and eat also I didn't have all the cards right now but maybe I will rent them and this season and try to get better rewards this time. Let's see how things will go.
I was trying to push ranking modern because the rewards per battle are really good as compared to wild those who do play sprinterlands regularly do know the difference for sure. I did remember last season I did get around 1.25 SPS battles which I win of course.

Everyone is to SPS should why these days I am staking whatever I am earning and investing a little too. I didn't have a huge goal with SPS but yes I did have some goals. Last season I didn't get any legendary cards but this season I am quite lucky I did manage to pull two legendary cards 2x Aves Sturgis not different but the same one still is good in my opinion. What about you how were your season results?


The decision was not that much good for me I only did manage people 26 chests in the season but lucky I did manage to finish up in the gold league thanks to my mentor. I did try my level best but you know how hard it is to rank up in the last days. This season was a bit stressful for me because I was unable to win the many matches that I used to win in the past.

Can't promise but this is an I will try to collect more chest than this season and will try to much faster than before fingers cross. After the boat is removed from the modern there are so many real players who are playing the game and honestly, they are so good and way better than the birds in my opinion because I used to win modern battles but after the boat or band from the modern battle now just getting really hard to win. I do have to learn new strategies and have to make new decks to beat other opponents easily. We will find out what will happen Hindi season after 2 weeks so see you there till then keep playing and keep hustling 🤗

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...

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wish me luck 😅

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

Thanks a lot for being here, let me know what you think.


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