Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Cards play


Hello everyone, How are you? I wish everyone is very nice. Today I want to create a new Splinterlands Social Media Challenge post. I will share you 4 chaos legion cards Review. I wish like this post and helpful for you. To continue my post lets go.


Cards review

Mycelic Infantry:

Entry 7: Early Afternoon.

“If anyone finds this letter, please, I beg you, flee from this cave and do not linger in the Jade Thicket. Something protects these caverns, the woods outside, perhaps the whole island. My name is Qui. I'm a scribe from Blue Harbor. I took shelter during a rainstorm to protect my latest work Prae Tell, Rumors of Praetoria.”

Entry 8. Mid Afternoon.

“I didn't believe the stories of the Jade Thicket, so I ventured in to add to my book. I swear the trees, mushrooms, and bushes were watching me. It was only after I hunkered in this cave I learned the truth. The plant life is alive. Like alive, alive. It moves. It speaks. It hunts.”

Entry 9. Early Evening.

“Fungus-covered trees blocked the entrance and a few followed me in here, but I hid. They lumbered by, without noticing me. The only thing that remained was strange dust particles. For research purposes, I studied them and placed them in a vial. Silly me for not using gloves but it's perfect for my book! I'm pressing deeper into the cave in hopes of finding another exit.”


Mycelic Slipspawn:

Mycelic Slipspawn was first found on the edges of the swamps of Praetoria, in areas where the fetid waters meet with the forests and jungles. It is highly toxic and grows to a substantial size. Death is uncommon for those who touch its fibrous body however, the side effects of its toxins can cause a long list of illnesses and disease, leaving its victims severely debilitated.

When the chaos portal opened and the creeping plague infected the land, the Slipspawn struggled to endure, being completely intolerant to the deadly pandemic. But then Queen Mycelia came, she touched the Slipspawn as she passed it by and it drank from her power, an enduring energy that ran deep and defiantly cast the pestilence of the chaos taint aside. The Slipspawn pulled its roots free from the ground and eagerly danced across the leafy forest floor after her, desperate to follow its saviour and stand by her in the times to come.
The small fort was impregnable. In fact, from recollection, Ursca couldn’t remember the last time it had even been attacked, which did beg the question as to why it was there. Apparently the Realm of Silence was nearby, tunnels dug beneath the ground by rat-like creatures, but he didn’t believe any of that, it was all just an excuse to keep them penned up in the uncomfortable old garrison.

A shout snatched his attention away from the mundane task of chopping firewood and he looked up to the wall where one of the guards was waving vigorously.


Goblin Tower:


Goblin Towers are mighty fortresses crafted by goblins.These weapons of war are rarely called out to battle and only used in the most dire of circumstances. When the Chaos Legion arrived, goblins began building these to defend their homeland.
A cloud dust foretold the approach of the legions of chaos as they charged across the plains. The gates of the besieged city swung open, and a series of massive, wooden towers rolled forth, spreading out in a line before the attackers.

The towers stood several stories high, with a tangle of green-skinned limbs and heads protruding from various openings. They wielded a mismatch of weapons ranging from swords and daggers to pots and pans, brooms and rakes, boulders, cauldrons of oil, and anything else the goblins could gather that would stab, bludgeon, maim, and kill.

Each tower was topped with a massive cannon, which the goblins loaded with case shot—projectiles packed with lead and iron balls around a high-explosive charge that would detonate above the enemy, showering them with shrapnel.

As the sun bore down and the legions of chaos closed the distance, a war cry went up from within the Goblin Towers. They would fight to their last in defense of their home.


Venari Knifer:


Venari Knifers are specialized rogues, assassins, and thieves that make their living through shadier dealings in the Realm of Silence underneath Praetoria. They often work as part of criminal organizations or guilds, taking on contracts to put more gold in their pockets. When the Chaos Legion's agents came to Praetoria, many Venari Knifers saw them as new benefactors for their mercenary work. Using the tunnels that run beneath the surface world, the Knifers move like shadows in the night to strike at their opponents.

Like the rest of their kin, Knifers are masters of tools and technology. They've used their knowledge to perfect the Knifer Rig. A deadly weapon powered by magic and pneumatics, Knifer Rigs consist of six fully articulated blades and rods carried on the back. When not in use, they fold away neatly and unobtrusively. When employed, however, they are silent, speedy, and absolutely deadly.
Lyberg rubbed his eyes and squinted around the dimly lit alley. He thought he’d seen… what? He wasn’t sure, but when he looked again, it was gone.

He shook his head. The day had been long. It was probably a trick of the light or his overwrought imagination.

As he started down the alley again, he heard a whisper of movement behind him. But when he spun around, there was nothing but darkness and shadows.

A series of sharp pains pierced his back in rapid succession.

Lyberg let out a cry and fell forward. He rolled over and let out a gasp. His attacker was humanoid, hairless and pale, with large ears and wide eyes. A Venari dressed in leather. From its back, six hinged metal rods protruded, each tipped with a wicked blade. In the moonlight, the blood dripping from them looked almost silvery.

Before Lyberg could so much as beg for his life, the rods pistoned forward, all six blades striking at once. Contract fulfilled.


Goblin Psychic:

he Magi Tower is where Goblins go to learn how to use psychic abilities. It isn't just a gift Goblins can learn, but due to the proximity of Gobson, Goblins tend to show up more frequently. The Magi who calls the tower home, enjoys teaching the art of using one's mind to move objects and read thoughts. Goblin Psychics use their abilities to perform work in Gobson or become adventurers and practice to become a full fledged Summoner.
Shami concentrated his mind on moving the paintbrush. It sat on an easel in front of a large canvas, paints of various colors lay before it. The paintbrush sat still.

“You need to focus. Just breath. Relax. Picture the brush as if it were in your hand. Then imagine yourself painting the canvas.”

The Magi's voice flooded Shami's mind, though he was used to the noise. Growing up in Gobson, the noise of cogs and gears was constant in the laboratories and buildings within the city. He imagined himself lifting the brush with his left hand, raising it to the canvas, and painting the picture he had studied for hours. The Magi's Forest.

He thought of a great forest of vivid greens and plants. Deer and rabbits running throughout the bushes. A massive stone tower rising into the clouds. He saw it clearly in his mind's eye and he drew it.

The brush lifted as if held by a master artist and danced across the canvas.

“Open your eyes.” The voice of the Magi came again.

Shami blinked his eyes open and after the blur faded, he stared at his creation. On the canvas was a stone tower rising for miles out of a great green ocean of trees. The Magi revealed a similar canvas and held them together. A plaque beneath the painting read, The Magi's Forest. Both were nearly identical.


Splinterlands Social Media Challenge link: https://peakd.com/hive-127515/@teteuzinho/social-media-challenge-inspire-with-demented-shark

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