Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - How Cunning Is DEATH?


Holla Splinters

Hola guys, so this week I saw alot of update about splinterlands and also my battles haven't been going so great. Regardless, I am still trying to study the tactics and strategies my opponents always use to defeat me.

So precisely, I'm just going to share an insight I learned while studying my previous battles.

A Recall

Well if things ain't going well or as planned, it's best to go back to where it all started. Maybe we can get solutions from the past, learn from the mistakes and implement it in our future event.

This is exactly what am currently doing.

I am not really a fan of death, or should I say the death splinter for clarity. But the thing is, I found these league very tactic because I have been defeated by them a few times and I still can't figure out what I am doing wrong not until I took a walk down memory lane.

Death Reoccurrence

Like I had earlier said, I am not really a fan of death so I just don't like using this splinter. Moreso, if you want to use them, then you must really know how to merge, combine and use its tactics quite well on the battle field.

If you look closely on my opponents team, you'll noticed two neutral element on there. I have been playing battles and I have seen alot of this formation always defeating me.

So I thought to myself, maybe there really is something I am not doing right. I mean, maybe my formation is wack, and I need to adjust a little bit in that angle.

When to pick Death

Obviously, the question is when to go for the death splinter? you can't be given a high mana cost of maybe 40 upwards and then go choosing death, there really ain't alot of high mana cost monsters that can fill that spot.

The point is, for me and from the moves and formation I've studied so far, it's actually much preferable to pick monsters from the death splinter when you are given a low mana cost to work with in battles maybe 12-23


I would also love to recommend just one summoner, any other can work well though but I find thadius fit for the job. This is because he takes One magic attack and one health away from his opponent.

Tank healer

Well just as the fomation above, I am actually going for that.

I have been seeing alot of my opponent using Cursed Windeku in the tank position, what makes me run mad is that they always get me down each time, even though I use the most powerful tanker.

I really do not know what's so special about this monster but its speed and attack is quite on the high side. Now that makes him very fast and durable on the battlefield.

A Backup plan

You must probably be wondering why this card? Heck, Riftwing doesn't possess any attack but there is a catch.

Though it has two unique abilities, "the Flying and Scavenger Ability, and without an attack, using these two abilities may be useless.

But here's the deal, if you can get it adjacent to any monster who posses the Weapons training ability, then congrats you've got yourself an attacker.

With different patterns and formation, Moxian Rebel always fills this spot, maybe because she's the only neutral element that posses the weapons training ability.


I guess death isn't so bad after all, that is if you're using it to your own adventage. The Fun part though is, when you explore splinterlands, it really might teach you one or two about life itself.


Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands

characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While i was playing the game with my iphone

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland


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