App Stores Are In For A Challenge

It seems like just yesterday the battles of app stores like apple vs Epic games happened. These app stores are great for users to find applications they want to use on their phone. However it became clear during these battles just a few years ago that those companies were up to no good once again. Charging massive fees and kicking applications off if they offered up other payment solutions besides the app stores payment.

It ultimately came back to Epic winning the lawsuit and that app stores could not only allow a single payment gateway. Which makes perfect sense. I understand it's your application but doing so creates what is known as a monopoly and forces users and application developers to not have a fair floor on which to build upon.

Since then we have noticed a increase of company application stores instead. Think of them as the Ubisoft's of the world. They only allow their games to be bought and launches from their application or "launcher".

The Crypto App Store?

Well now that's going one step further with crypto and web3 style games. Some of these games attempted to get on these storefronts only to be kicked off under the grounds of them just being "crypto" games. But since then we have seen a few hit the stores in particular Epic Games.

However there's still no real good options for these web3 games. Games like Splinterlands often tired to build a app and launch it on storefronts. The amount of work, time and effort that goes into trying to get these games listed is unreal and often hit roadblock after roadblock.

So what's the solution to this?

The solution has mainly been building your own launcher which is an expensive thing to do. It's why we have see applications like Gala Games or Arcade Colony these housing launching pads offer up solutions for web2 style games or new games to have a open marketplace to join and launch their product/project to a group of eager players.

PWA's are also a solution standing for Progressive web apps. This works much in the way like apps but they get added to your mobile device via the browser. If coded correctly simply clicking on the PWA will launch the application via the web browser or the application itself making it interact much in the same way a application you got from Apple or Androids app store would.

For now this seems to be the best possible solution but it's of course one that will come with risks as these applications are not reviewed and I'm sure some bad actors are at play.

This will be one of the major points that will continue to always hurt crypto. While yes you get the benefits and freedoms you also get with that those few bad actors that like to just try and ruin it for everyone else and get their greedy hands on it.

If it was up to me people that scam like this if caught and proven should get life if not worse. Because you're ultimately screwing with peoples lives yourself since everything runs on money.

What type of smooth application launches do you like for your web3 gaming and social interaction? Have you found one that's seamless and smooth and a great example for others to follow?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The rise of PWAs for web3 games is interesting. It’s good to see alternatives to traditional app stores, but I worry about security. Although I'm guessing a lot of work will be done in that area. They are definitely in for a run !LOLZ
