RE: What's New On Hive & Goals | Splinterlands, Hive and Leo

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I'd like to for sure but that means I need to start really investing outside more into hive. I've though about running my own notes for Hive-Engine, Hive etc and building those into revenue streams to help fuel it. I was planning on doing that at the start of the year but talked myself out of it for the time commitment involved lol

I should just do it and also should grow some other passive income streams to flow into this and also I want to start building out a real marketing plan. So lots for sure that I want to do I just need to dedicate some serious hours to it and then hopefully it pays off.


Best of luck.

There's always trading of course... Cash out if and when Hive goes > $X, chances are it'll come back down by 10X again and then buy back. Like if we ever hit $3, there'll probably be a future possibility to buy back at $0.30 again.

It's just a matter of being bold I guess!
