What's New With Hive Week 1 August


Each week I like to take a moment and review everything that's new on the hive blockchain. This will range from core updates to applications that run on the blockchain and sometimes even what's expected to come in the near future.

I'll also at times go into my own goals which does two things. The first is to hold myself accountable and to track my own progression and the second is to show others what is possible with investment, work, building connections and using the blockchain as it was meant to be.

If you're interested in getting started yourself I encourage you to join my mailing list at Bitcoinflood.com where I walk you through step by step and also earn you your first rewards!

What's New At Hive

First I always like to look at price action and these last few days have been a blood bath for the crypto markets. In just 7 days bitcoin has fallen 10.5% and Ethereum is down 11% so how did Hive do compared to this?

Down a whopping 17.1% from a week ago ouch!

The one good thing about this is it's now easier then ever to stock up on some serious amounts of hive. The market cap has also shrunk to under 100 million to just 82.2 million which really puts into question the sheer amount of money we are dishing out right now on the DHF.

There's also been some updates on the gaming from. Mainly that comes from around GolemOverlord which is currently beta testing their game inside a game and it looks pretty decent. If there's one thing this is a platform which has been constantly developing and growing.

Another big update is the InLeo is now starting to test out a lot more of their LeoShorts release. Now while I'm personally not impressed at all with how it's working at the moment I do also realize things take time. My hopes are it mimics it's own section of Inleo and works like a scroller like tiktok, youtube shorts, instagram shorts etc. I also hope they add in a few video ads as well as a revenue source that either buys and burns LEO or buys leo and adds it to the liquidity pool.

Until those two things happen I don't see LeoShorts going anywhere and instead just be some ok feature which honestly is what it's felt like for a while around here on most of hive. Rather mediocre development and nothing that's going to break out. My hopes are this changes soon otherwise I do feel like this blockchain is in trouble.



Goal: 250,000+ Current: 113,361

In the last week we added in another 434 hive that was powered up. A little bit better then the week before that was 419. This means on the daily we powered up 62 hive each day which is pushing pretty close to that 100 a day goal.

I think I'm going to do a few things here soon. One is to start running a hive-engine node and the second would be to run a hive node once I get more experience with the hive engine node. That also means I'm going to be stacking a few new areas as well which I'll release further at the bottom.


Goal 182,500 Current: 4,508.72

Added a total of 84.72 HBD since last week and that was after I removed 100 HBD to get premium for InLeo for a full year! Now this isn't adding up that fast at the moment mainly because the crypto markets have been suppressed so much that it really makes not sense to transfer into a stable coin at the moment. So it's going to be some time mainly I'm focused on the hive goal instead of the HBD goal.


Goal: 150,000 Current: 141,646

Week over week we pushed another 390 LEO which is pretty much on part with last week which means I'm also just on par with hitting the goat by end of year. I want to push faster than that but again the prices are so depreciated at the moment that a lot of moves simply don't make sense unless I convert the stable coins into tokens which could be a possibility.

Now also a quick update I was able to get the project I wanted to do back up and running. That will be a lead capture for InLeo to onboard people. I've also been hitting liqudity pools pretty hard as well and either this week or next I'll start to dump into leodex liquidity and see what kind of numbers that's pulling. Of course I also have been adding to the swap.hive:leo pool here on hive-engine.


We made some moves here. That 1 million SPS goal is coming faster and faster and I'm really going to push for hitting it by the end of this year. I could in theory hit it right now and bypass it just by converting a little of my stablecoins over but I really hate the thought of losing my stablecoins lol

That being said I should have another plot of land up and running this week coming and also nearly hit my goal of DEC.

So my main goals right now are

  • 1 Million + SPS staked
  • 100,000 DEC:Swaphive liquidity pool
  • 100,000 DEC:Grain liquidity pool
    Brining more lands online. If I want to bring all of my lands online and max them out I need a total of 7.1 million DEC of which I'm only roughly 1 million DEC in so that's going to have to be a push here as well.

Progress is being made but the goals are large.

I'm also now exploring more into other sectors but not ready yet to report on those. The one I will say is I'm now restacking BRO and moving towards that targeted goal of 1,000 BRO. That won't be an easy task but it's one I want to strive for.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I see the $0,18 has broken on Binance. It seems alts are suffering max pain at the moment, if only we could turn things around on Hive.


I feel like we need to soon otherwise it's going to be too late. We are almost at the point where steems price is going to overtake hive again. That should be a wake up call.


We all know what needs to be done, but we will likely have the peg break first.


I am trying to bag as many HIVE as possible at the current price. Although its never enough 🥂
