Chaos Legion Season Rewards / Gold 3 / Season 2


In this season, i play very good, but i spend much DEC then i recive for wins because DEC for win is very LOW. Most days i stay in gold 2 and last day i cant rent cards because price is too insane.
Also in some last season games i see something very strange to me.
I see some people with like 5 mil power and more and they play in gold because chase league rewards...
They get 500 dec for win in best league, and they come in gold to troll US and push us to rent more their cards...Greed is good right?
Or i saw also same players in silver/bronze tournaments hunt prize 10 sps or 200 DEC...
Im ok with that, all that is legal, but that is not OK.
You want play in bronze or silver or gold, game need put minimum and maximum power for play in that leagues i dont want play game 30k power vs 5 mil power that is not fer.
Dude if you are master player go and play master like PRO you win 1 game and get 20 hours of my farming in this game why you troll me?
If i spend 250-500 DEC for rent, i play 20 hours on day and i make 250-500 dec, but i lose DEC capture rate, so i cant earn more DEC. If i play average with wins mabey i buy 1 rare or epic card on day and that is that. And average in 20 hours play on day i buy 0 cards with earned DEC for wins and that is sad.
Only earning what i have that is 3.8 SPS from airdrop and mabey 1 sps from staking and that is that.
I think to sell all my cards what i have and hold DEC for airdrop to get more SPS and sell that SPS to get more DEC. Without winings on giveaways on twitch i cant have DEC for renting, and without renting i will not collect any DEC. I dont see any new player in game, because no one dont want play "play2earn" game without rewards. Bronze 3 sux, bronze 2 sux, bronze 1 sux, silver 3 is minimal league where can get some cards and dec for play game but that lower league is vaste of time. I play in gold 2 and i cant make decks, because i rent cards and i give that DEc what i win for rent. To stop lose DEC and start earn i need LEG summoner lvl 3 (dragon) + rare summoner lvl 6 (water)...
I dont know what to doo next, i play game 20 hours on day and i cant go forward
Waiting 15 days in hope to get golden jin ocenanus and what i always get? 1 DEC from 1 chest, 2 DEC from another chest? 15 days for 3 DEC? This rewards need changes 35 power in 15 days is nothing i need 200k power in cards!




I gained 55 power in Silver II. This season has been very bad for rewards


i hope we get better rewards in next season
