RE: Splinterlands DHF Proposal

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What about hiring @lordbutterfly to do the marketing you are looking to do? He will probably achieve far more than others you might hire, and probably for a fraction of the cost.

What about making the game multi-chain? Instead of this or that chain. You will very likely be able to get funding to build the multi-chain aspect (including from the DHF). It could also tie well with SPS validator nodes, meaning those nodes can handle the multi-chain stuff. So one thing serves multiple functions. (And imagine all the functions it will serve if other Hive projects can also utilize it - and maybe help build it in the process.) To extend this further, there's probably good synergy with the EVM compatibility that VSC is building, i.e. people are able to sign Hive transactions with their Metamask wallet. Should be easy to tie into that.

There's lots and lots available in the community, it doesn't always come down to money. The community has plenty and plenty more than money that it can give you, and very happily. There's all sorts of people on Hive, and there's lots that has been done already and not used. This is an enormous unutilized resource. Share your challenges, speak openly about what specific troubles you are facing and what things you want to get done. And help will come to you. That's what this community does.


I would be starting basically from scratch. The people I got for Hivefest came from a lot of work in the background, pulling on sleeves and getting to know people that have 0 contact with Hive. Some very interesting names in there we will share soon.

That is basically the kind of work that this would require. I could do it... but a much better choice would be having someone that is already a part of the tightknit groups in the crypto NFT space. They need to find a degen for this that knows more degens. And i hate those guys. I consider most of them scum of the earth and the reason crypto lost almost all of its credibility. :)
I could do it... but someone already inside that ecosystem could do it far better than me. Question is if they could be trusted. And thats a question I cant answer.
