RE: Burn Post

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The Marky Mark Marcus, what kind of world do you live in? You and your farmer friends work hard every day farming Hive and HB, Marcus write a post with the curations you earn from the Buildawhale farm. The trust within your community will be lost if you and you're friends keep lying transactions don't lie people do people like you and you're friends.

Marky, people can see your actions so it's ridiculous. You are a top witness, but you are not doing a good job, are you Marcus?

People only tolerate you for the votes, and they fear of being downvoted by you and your alt accounts. We will continue to play the game, Marcus. You have a lot to lose, don't you?

Calling us names does not accomplish anything, Marcus. Some of your friends have done the same thing it's quite sad we hope you all get the help you need we pray for you all.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

How do you sleep at night knowing what you are and who you are? We have spoken to many people who have been mentally affected by the actions of you and your friends you have made many enemies. You can keep lying, but it doesn't change the truth, does it, Marcus?

[-]themarkymark (80) yesterday (edited)
Farming? Show me where I am farming, I post like one post a month at this point, and all buildawhale is burned. As you say transactions don’t lie. And don't say curation rewards, I'd get those no matter what I vote on and if you expect I will be the only person on this blockchain to forfeit curation rewards, you are dumber than we know you are.


People only tolerate you for the votes
Interesting, considering I don't vote anyone.

You vote on you're own spam comments every day @buildawhale to earn curation rewards. There are many authors on Hive whom you could support, but you choose not to you keep it to yourself don't you Marcus? You are no good Marcus.

I used to vote over 200 unique authors a day, many of which my vote was their only significant vote, and for over a year every post and every vote I would make would get downvoted for $50 because someone was sad I stopped the abuse they were voting on. I lost my ability to choose what I vote on years ago. It has finally stopped, so I started the burn posts to reduce the inflation due to the wreckless DHF spending. Of course I earn curation rewards, like every single person on Hive. I will not be the only person on Hive to forfeit curation rewards, and to expect that is ridiculous. You are one to talk about spam comments, you are spamming hundreds if not thousands of comments a day.


Marky you keep saying you used to vote for others, but you don't do that now. Instead, you make sure to earn your curation rewards by self-voting with all those alt accounts with so much Hive power and much of that stake that was airdropped from Steemit. You made most of that Hive from selling votes; now that is bad. It doesn't matter if vote selling was acceptable at the time - of course, it was; you and your friends made a lot of money LOL. And once you saw others making money, you and you're friends didn't like it, so you came together to stop the bots and start downvoting people all while still selling votes secretly for some time we have the info. It's so wrong. Once again, we ask you to create a blog about how much you make in curation rewards from milking your Buildawhale spam comments farm. You can keep lying, but the truth is the truth, so just keep lying - it's up to you LOL.
