RE: Splinterlands Updates - October, 2021


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Actually they ARE being rewarded in credits in Bronze... and only credits (I think)... but THAT's even worse... because ~10 credits (I've even received 1 credit before) per chest means like 400+ days of playing quests before you can even afford a pack.

cc @splintrelands ... Spit-balling some ideas here:
How about a) banning bots b) rewarding bronze with JUST credits... but a lot higher number of credits (which can only be used to buy packs in game, right?)

  • edit *
    the number of credits awarded can/should even decrease as the account in question earns more and more credits... i.e. Will be "quick" (say 2 seasons) to earn 4, 000 credits... the next 4, 000 credits should take double that amount of time on average and so on and so on?

  • edit 2 * after $10/$XXX, or XXX CP, worth of cards/packs/ have been opened then each chest is guaranteed to only hold 1 credit.

... Would this not make bots 'unprofitable'?


I hope they use your ideas on specific targets mainly, the bots and the owner. not all novices and bronze 3 players. it's possible! they already have the means to monitor card/dec/sps flow. if one account transfers all of its assets, it's obvious that it's a bot.
