The Magical Storm


Hello, Splinter fans!

Just the other day I was thinking that during the past six months, I have been renting in only one monster - Alric Stormbringer. This Water Splinter magic summoner has helped me to become victorious in many, many battles. However, not so long ago I decided to test my wings in the Modern format and as you might know, older cards cannot be used there.

Well, it didn't take me long to realize Modern was just too tough for me so I gathered my troops and headed back to Wild where I belonged. Even though renting a level 3 Alric doesn't cost that much (20 - 40 DEC/week), I decided to try my luck without the old man.

I think I have managed to diversify my deck enough to be relatively competitive with every Splinter. I even came up with a solid strategy using another water summoner, Pembrook Nymph. Still, as Kelya Frendul is currently the only Chaos Legion summoned I haven't been upgrading, I felt I was missing out on an option to use a low-cost Water summoner in low-mana battles.

Bring Back The Stormbringer

It was just another sleepy Tuesday morning. I was drinking my morning coffee and following my usual morning routine which includes some battles and opening daily chests. While I was prepared for the usual loot, potions, 0.34 SPS, and Possessed Puppets, I was genuinely surprised to pull a legendary card I did not own yet!

MUSA SALINE is an awesome low-cost Water magic unit with some pretty nice stats and the ever-useful scavenger ability.

This monster is pretty fast(3) and has enough health(3) to perhaps survive the first attack. If this happens, Masa Saline's chance to live longer will increase as it starts gaining more health using its ability.

The one thing I don't like about this card is the low magic attack strength but other than that, it's just the perfect little creature. Now, you probably know where I'm going with this and yes, imagine Musa having the magic attack increased from 1 to 2.

It was time to bring back the Stormbringer once again.

Raising The Storm

Alric is great in low mana battles as he only costs 3 mana himself making him fit nicely in very low caps too. Of course, the best thing is he will make every magic unit in his team twice as dangerous.

To celebrate the return of the storm, I have just the perfect example of a low-mana battle in which we will maximize the magical moment.

In this 19 mana battle, I had the target practice ruleset in play meaning all ranged and magic monsters will have the Snipe ability. This means that there will be more pressure on the second unit in my team instead of the tank unit.

With this in mind, I chose to use a rather unorthodox line-up and placed the somewhat weak TORRENT FIEND in the first position.


As for the second monster I decided to pick GELATINOUS CUBE which has 10 health points and the Scavenger ability to possibly even increase that amount.

In an incomplete world, the Cube would be just standing there, unable to attack, and only absorbing the enemy attacks.

I had something else in my mind.

Thanks to the Weapons Training ability, we can turn the most peaceful units into lethal killing machines. This is exactly what has happened to the Cube.

I have placed a MOXIAN REBEL right next to Cube to teach it some powerful magic tricks. However, it will not stop there as Alric will further boost that making the Cube a quite strong magic monster.


But wait. There's more!

Moxian Rebel will be training the adjacent monsters so another non-attack unit, MERDAALI GUARDIAN will also benefit from this ability and also from Alric's +1 magic summoner buff.

My idea here was that if my "tank", Torrent Fiend, should fall, the Cube would then be in the first spot and Merdaali Guardian would be healing it. This combined with Cube scavenging health points throughout the battle should make it very hard to bring down.

In the back, I also added Musa Saline which was mentioned earlier. He too will be collecting those health points and will serve as a last line of defence if all else should fail.

A Little Storm

We were up against an opponent team led by Helios Matriarch, a summoner who will boost the speed of all units by 1 point and also allow using a Gladiator unit which in this case happened to be the dreaded Quora Towershead.


Quara is often very difficult to beat and I use her a lot myself. The trick is to not let herself get those kills that will activate her Bloodlust. If she gets that killing spree going on, she will soon become unstoppable as all of her stats will increase by one after each successful kill.

To make things even worse for us, they have accompanied Quara with a little Martyr monster, Venari Marksrat.

So, if want to watch the whole battle, you can do it by clicking here or/and continue reading my (short) battle report below.


In the first round, we managed to bring Quora's massive amount of health to 3 points but unfortunately, she was able to use her Heal ability to bring back some of that. Meanwhile, Quara herself was attacking Cube as was planned. The Cube held up very well and still had six health as we moved on to the second round.


Quara being the fastest unit on the field made the first strike but Gelatinous Cube held strong again. After that, the storm started and three of my backline units surprisingly took down Quora in this early stage. After that, Cube destroyed the Markrats leaving my opponent with only a Fiend left.


Even though Fungus Fiend was now boosted, it didn't have a chance as Musa Saline and Merdaali Guardian got to hit first. The game was over and remarkably, even my Torrent Fiend survived in the first spot!



I think this battle was a great example to show you how to gain that edge against your opponents in lower mana battles. I do use Alric a lot with higher mana caps too as he is perfect to help my units to ignore armours and especially against Kelya Fendul.

Combining Alric with a new Rebellion unit, Moxian Rebel, I have found a lot of new interesting combinations and gave a new life to almost forgotten monsters such as Gelatinous Cube.

I think it's safe to to Alric Stormbringer is now back for good and I only see our ways depart again if I should take my chances in the Modern again at some point.

Thank you for reading!


Also Playing:

Rising Star


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Other pictures are screenshots from Splinterlands

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