Is Splinterlands Going Down the Drain?



Splinterlands has been making headlines recently due to various proposals, but one particular proposal that could have significant repercussions for the game's economy has, in my opinion, received far too little attention.

This proposal calls for withdrawing a total of 600 million DEC from the DAO and recirculating it back into the ecosystem.

The Proposal

The proposal in question are:

  • Hire SMC To Develop 5 Promo Card Sales - This proposal would see 600 million DEC used to fund the development of five promotional card sales.

Concerns about the Impact on the DEC Economy

One of the main concerns about these proposal is the potential impact they could have on the DEC economy. The current 24-hour trading volume for DEC is only $2,535. Adding an additional 600 million DEC to the market could have a significant downward pressure on the price of the token.

Matt Previous Statement

In the past, Splinterlands co-founder Matt has said that he considers the DEC in the DAO to be "burned." This was because he understands that releasing this DEC back into circulation could be disastrous for the game's economy. If anything, he had suggested that revisiting this decision could only be considered in a few years' time, once the DEC supply has been significantly reduced and demand is booming.

The Two Possible Explanations

The fact that Matt is now supporting proposals that would bring this DEC back into circulation suggests two possible explanations:

  • He is desperate and making irrational decisions.
  • He knows that Splinterlands is doomed and wants to cash out before it's too late.


The future of Splinterlands is uncertain at this point. The proposal to withdraw DEC from the DAO could have a significant impact on the game's economy, and it remains to be seen whetherthese proposal will be passed and what the long-term consequences will be. Players should carefully consider the potential risks before voting on proposals.

It is important to note that this is just one perspective on the situation, and there are other valid viewpoints. Readers should do their own research and come to their own conclusions.



However, the DEC paid from the players for those promo cards will go to the DAO. Matt thinks more will go to the DAO than 600M DEC and looking at past promo events that seems to be true.


Whether Matt really believes that, I'll leave that to everyone's own judgment. (In the last sale, not even close to what Matt predicted he thought was taken in)

And now there are even fewer players, and of the remaining players, even fewer are willing to spend money. So based on the facts, it's pretty clear that this money will not be taken in.

This is simply a nasty tactic, Matt gets paid upfront so forcing the people to repurchase the necessary DEC or credits for the cards from him, which is harmful to the ecosystem because more 'burned' DEC is pumped into circulation, but this is how he squeezes out the maximum profit for himself. And what's the point? Even if the unlikely scenario that the DAO ends up earning more from the sales, what does the DAO get out of it? The only one who serves himself there is Matt. If Matt really wanted something good and he really believed that the sales would bring in so much more DEC, then he could just sell it himself and leave the DAO alone. He could simply say that half of the proceeds from the sale go to Splinterlands and the other half is burned. That would be a good measure that might even increase sales, because more people would believe that something good is happening. But he doesn't do that, instead he's just focused on getting money now, which only breeds more mistrust and ultimately leads to even lower player and sales numbers.


Well Matt has been pretty clear that the team needs money. Also, I don't believe there are significantly fewer players now than at that time. There are certainly less bots farming wild but those aren't the target for these cards. Mass bot farms don't need promo cards to do what they do.


yes the team always needs money, that's why there are more sales than updates. but the pattern doesn't change over the years, reduce rewards, raise paywalls and always tell that after the next sale npe and marketing will start and when the sale is finished, npe and marketing will be postponed to the next sale. in reality the npe is getting worse and worse! this pattern has been going on for years, anyone who is not invested here and observes it objectively would see directly that it is all scam methods that are used here! the fact that the dao is already so empty that even the ``burned'' dec is now being accessed clearly shows me what is going on here. the game is dying and matt is still trying to squeeze out as much money as possible for as long as possible. 3 different proposals made in one day, all of which happen to need around 500k dollars each, such a coincidence 3 different occasions and all require the same amount of money. 😂

i can only recommend everyone to open their eyes and take care of their money, because there are some dubious things going on in the background here!


Splinterlands is doomed to disappear unless they fix the basic problems with the game mechanics. It's not the bots, nor the excess of cards, nor the price of the SPS; The problem is very simple: There is a value destruction mechanism in the game mechanics. Very simple and basic solution: SPLINTERLANDS IS BROKEN: A SIMPLE PROPOSAL TO FIX EVERYTHING
