Save Chaos Legion, Save Splinterlands

As I mentioned on my previous post of 18 Ideas that will help Splinterlands the most important thing to focus right now is in solving the over saturated card market, by decreasing the amount of cards(burning), increasing the amount of players so the current ratio between cards and players improve or just increases the prices of the cards by giving more uses to them unfortunately land 1.5 did not help too much on this not sure if the upcoming ones will help, probably we need a new stacking cards system.

Explaining the main problem:

We need to increases card value, lots of maxed out cards are almost free to rent , reducing the value of everything with them, SPS will never go up if anyone can come rent 2 or 3 maxed out decks for 10 or 20 DEC and play on the highest ranges getting big amounts of SPS, Maxed out rewards cards cost around 0.1 DEC a day, maxed out Chaos Legion cards cost between 1 or 2 DEC a day, the most expensive think will be the summoner that is around 4 to 6 DEC a day maxed out, renting SPS is quite cheap as well to increases rewards as much as you want. At least Chaos Legion should be fixed, after we accomplish this we can try to do it with the rewards cards.

Most are not aware how big of a problem is:

What make me worry most is that most are not considering this a big problem, players , influencers maybe even the team, they think it will solve alone or will be solve when on the next card rotation to Wild(it will not), it will solve with new players(yes it will but no one can guaranteed the number of new players we need will come and even if they come they may not stay too long), some others are just happy that they can maxed out they cards for very cheap.

Problems caused by this:

-The main one: the low prices of the cards will drag everything down with them , as I explained previously as is almost free to rent cards the SPS you earn with them can not be very value.

-Pretty bad for sells: few people will buy packs for the company for 4$-5$ if they could just buy Chaos legion cards for 0.45$.

-Packs bad Reputation: before Splinterlands Packs had the best reputation anyone want to buy them as they was expected to go up in price and this was a true until Chaos legion came up and several mistakes were made now the packs are for lest than 8 times they original price, if we keep the price like this there will not be too much future buyers, the sells will always be a fraction of what it could be.

-Chaos Legion Negative ROI: People that invested on Chaos Legion packs or in CL cards on the early state has lost a lot of money, this create an unhappy community, they are not going to be very motivate to invest anymore, others will see this big negative ROI and will not be very motivate either.


There are a lot of ways to solve this problem or at least help with it.

The DAO Investing on Chaos Legion Packs: We could make a proposal for the DAO to buy thousands of Chaos Legion packs them put for sell for a higher price(flip), for example buying all packs that have prices less than 2$ USD them put most of packs for sell for 2$ price, can also keep the packs for a few months before putting them for sell, this should work better, there should be some measures to avoid players taking advantage of this flipping the packs before the Dao making the DAO buying a lot higher that was expecting, for example do not announce the amount, price or date where the purchase happens, the packs can also be buying just to burn them a big lost of founds for the DAO but totally worth.

DAO buy cards to invest(or not) on bots: Investing(or not earning rewards) on Bots on wild buying Chaos Legion and rewards cards from the market, this bots will use cards of their previous league and will stop playing when reach a new league and will delegate their cards to another bot to do the same, for example the bots the will play for gold League will play using cards maxed out for silver league when this bots reach Diamond they will stop and delegate their cards to another bot , do the same for each League except Bronze, there should be normal bots that players could be able to beat having the same cards level not the perfect play bots that win leaderboards prices, this will help with 2 problems the one with are talking about of too much cards and the one of Wild that you only find level bronze summoners until you got to Champion.

More not earning Bots for Modern: more bots that not earn prices for Modern to help with liquidity, the liquidity problem on Modern has not solve yet, also most silver players plays with maxed out cards.

The Dao or the Team make Good burning cards events periodically: Not idea why the one that was planning was cancelled, Do not offer Chaos Legion Packs as a price please, could be like others events so some whales fight for the biggest prices and maybe some price guaranteed after certain burning so any player could participate and win something by helping solving the problem.

Simple Unlimited Cards Stacking System: There are some stacking systems coming on the future, we don´t know when they will come maybe take years and they may not help too much as land 1.5, we need one as soon as possible better if there are no limit or the limit is very high with interesting rewards, this rewards are giving on the % of BCX the player has on stacking compared to others.

Easy Symptom Relief:

There are others ways to address the problems caused by the main problem without trying to fix this one, lots of the times developers do this one, It is a lot better trying to solve the main problem but it is a lot easier the other way and does not cost too much resources.

Make minimum rental value based on level and rarity: cards will have a minimal rental value based on their rarity and their level, the expensive will be the level 4 Legendary cards follow up by level 6 Epic, for example , level 4 legendary minimum DEC value will be 10 and Epic level 6 will be 8 , this will easily solve the problem of the almost free to rent maxed out cards extracting lots of SPS and Glint on the highest ranges, but it creates new problems like been unable to rent Rewards and some Chaos Legion cards, there will be hundreds of cards at the minimum price.

Make a SPS Requirements mandatory for higher leagues: Certain amount of SPS could be required on higher leagues if you want to enter to them otherwise your raiting will stop going up, probably something small will do the trick, like 10000 SPS stacked for Gold , 20000 for Diamond and 50000 for Champion maybe increased for Champion 2 and 1. I heard the team is planning something similar just for wild.

This changes can help but they are only relieving symptoms, we should deal with the real problem eventually that is the insane amount of cards.

I will try to solve it myself:

I think instead of only giving ideas we can also try to solve the problems ourselves with proposals, I will try to put some proposals on DAO Discussion channel to help with this problem.

Also I will star a giveaway series with several winners and using 100% of the post earning reinvested in buying Chaos Legion Packs until the price reach 2$ or more or cancelled if there are not enough earning to keep buying packs. Yes I know this is like trying to dry the desert with a glass of water, but some thousands glass of water can do the trick, if more people copy the system and do the same or just a few that have a lots of followers could solve the problem or at least help with it, the best part is we will solve this big problem ourselves without even the DAO.

So star follow me for the future Giveaways(probably next week) or copy the idea and star giveaways with 100% reinvest no need credit or anything.

If you are interested in chat about this or others ways to help splinterlands or ways to make money online for free we can chat on my Discord Group: Click Here to Join



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Very understandable but complicated
