RE: Soulkeep Rewards - an open letter to the Splinterlands Team and Community

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First things first: humor - damn you AZ!!! You're making me extremely sensitive to my "vote size" loooooooooooooooooooool

It's getting bigger though!!!!! HAHAHA :P

Ok onto the real reply lol

There is no "hate" but there is a good bit of frustration and disappointment.

I, like many others, have seen pretty much everything related to this game go deep into the red for years... but I have continued to put money in and support a game/ecosystem that has not rewarded me (yet). Dollar Cost Averaging is a stressful thing lol

Like a bunch of other past issues, there wasn't much communication about when/what/how etc and it wasn't very clear as it was written...

For perspective, on my end, all I was hearing was: "People are bitching in Tavern and others and Splinterlands is going to stop SPS Rewards"... then I see the Poll... which didn't give much context either.

My thoughts immediately went to "Oh no... I was finally making something happen here... it's getting yoinked... WHY???"

Without much clarification, the frustration from previous hyped up buys "Licenses", "Land", "CP Cards" etc etc etc... was present in my replies.

Now, upon reading your reply it makes WAY MORE SENSE.

If DC was obligated to do certain things in order to receive the Reward Pool... and they aren't doing them... then it needs to end.

It still sucks because it means my investments will suffer but I understand that aspect of business.

The second part is equally as understandable, upon explanation.

A. "They're going to cut off SPS Rewards [No timeline give] because people are bitching in Tavern!!"

is very, VERY different from

B. "If DC fails to meet the contractual obligations set forth by Dec 31st, we will terminate our end of the agreement."

I'm sure you can see how Option A looks like a shitty rug-pull scenario, whereas your explanation of Option B - well, that's just business 🤝

I hope they don't discontinue it because I am good at the game and I found my niche to earn a decent pool of SPS HAHAHA

Thank you again for the vote and clarification 🤙


do listen to this episode by Cryptomancer, he probably still one of the largest SK pack owner. Listen to his dissapointment on how and what that game could have been and its NOT.

I met with David at DC during Las Vegas, and I strongly suggested what Mancer voiced here (that was 2 years back, damn, I hate to be right!). It was a massive mistake making that game devoid of SL characters. On top of that it was half-baked when released. But at least at the time it was part of SL. Now it is not. Why will we carry a dead weight, where we are having difficulty carrying our own weight?

It is now a DC game. If they can't deliver, they will have to handle their own reward pool.


"Why will we carry a dead weight, where we are having difficulty carrying our own weight?"

Because the players were told it would be done that way (people like me).

However - as you said previously: "if they do not uphold their end of the agreement, then we (splinterlands) will terminate the agreement on [Date]".

That is a fair and valid statement - if it were to be something like Vader here...


Then I would be justified in ragey anger lmao. But what you described seems rational and logical 😁
