More Power To Me


Governments will routinely lower the reserve limit on loans, to the point it is actively 0% or near 0% in most countries, as well as intentionally deficit spend to the point they have several times the gdp in debt, and literally bailout the entire banking system during the 2007-2008 crisis, as well as make things like university loans inflation scaled, and so much more, and people will be like ''they're our guys.... they're trying their best.... if only those corporates (those in bed with the government) would stop being so greedy...''
You will give like three hundred people exclusive legal rights to taxation, lawmaking, and violence over everyone else, and then be surprised when the absolute worst kinds of people use it to legitimise their behaviours and practices for the loss of everyone else
You will literally have an entire history of being abused and constant corruption being inevitable
And then the solution people come up with is
''I think we just need to give these guys more powers... maybe some new ones... maybe we need to make it so all roads are owned by them? and energy too? what about healthcare and more?''
And then when people are smart enough to say nah we need to privatise things, they just ''private'' it. As in, make a huge conglomerate group with massive subsidies and mandatory tie ins to the public sector, that still requires all those legislations, regulations, and still has to pay enormous taxes and so on.
People will give a psychopath the only gun in the country and the only right to do x, y and z, as well as to make rules that govern everyone, and then be like ''what's going on, big guy? that's my wife you just tripped.'' when they do some insane shit like go to war with vietnam for 20 years for their own gain.
You see, Mr. Commoner, despite having the monopoly on violence, taxation, an enormous salary and more, it was the Mr. Bank who le made me be extremely corrupt for my own gain by colludding with him and what not... the answer is.... more power to me....
