

My mind is quiet, like a calm lake - and i am the reflection of my mind. There are no waves, just weak ripples, and i go along with the ripples i find important based on my understanding - but i do not create those ripples. I am just a calm lake, comfortably sleeping, spending no effort at all, and only going with what creates strong enough ripples to make me barely open one eye..................While many people spend much effort to calm their raging sea ( mind), i need to spend effort to make ripples or waves - after all, stopping raging sea is quite hard, but so is to make ripples at calm lake. ....... Event though i am the calm lake, i used to be raging sea, i just went with waves, living accordingly. But now that i am calm lake, i do not know what to do, as i only knew what it is to be a raging sea. Even after many years of being a lake, i still lived as if i were a raging sea - and given there were no waves, i did not act much at all. ........................Now I think i know what to do. Instead of going with the flow like i always did, i need to create the flow/ripples myself - while not being tied by them. Instead of being forced to spend effort in order not to be a slave to raging sea, i will consciously spend effort to make use of tools/freedom i have - to turn the calm lake into whatever i deem fit. Even this short monologue made no ripples, nothing can anyway.
I have to make ripples myself, instead of relying on "raging sea " to make them for me. terracore
