Why Falling Consumer Prices Boost Asset Prices


It's super useful to distinguish between (1) asset prices, and (2) consumer prices.

Asset prices (stocks, bonds, real estate, and even crypto) do NOT like rising consumer prices. This is why asset prices fell in the 1970s when consumer prices were increasing. The only exception to this is gold/silver which acts as a legitimate inflation hedge.

Asset prices like falling consumer prices. This is why asset prices rose dramatically in the 1980s when consumer prices were falling.

As long as CPI continues to fall, it is a positive for asset prices. The caveat to this is that we don't want a negative CPI. Asset prices love a low/falling CPI as long as it doesn't go negative.
As for why I think we have less than 10 months. We clearly have 4 year cycles and it only makes sense to assume they will continue until they don't.
2013 peak, 2017 peak, 2021 peak, 2025 no reason to except any different.
I never thought lengthening cycles made any sense, if anything you would expect the cycles to shorten as people price in the cycles.
On a side note, M2 money growth is once again positive, another positive sign as most new money goes into asset prices first before it shows up in consumer prices.

