Splinterlands: Social media challenge share submission


Greeting! Play2earn fans.
This is my weekly social media challenge share. It is not only an interesting battle but a battle against a legendary card holder and player #clove71.

I am sharing this battle because it's never an easy task to defeat a Max level Legendary player.
Anyway, losing against such a great player is a better option. But my team combination two Martyr monsters and bloodlust spoiled the whole math.
It was a battle against Legendary 7 mana Death and Fire summoner Lorkus. The player who is the part of Splinterlands well knows about Rebellion dual element summoners.
When is a this legendary then I was thinking that it would be skin but when I checked then I found that it is dual element Death summoner.

Till now I could not find any player whom I faced with Lorkus. Sister Clove71 is the first player who came with Lorkus. Lorkus is a dual element legendary 7 mana summoner. This legendary summoner provides a chance to choose monsters from the Death and Fire unit.
Stats: Lorkus provides additional Melee and magic attacks for every magic and melee monsters. Beside it there is more alt option to choose either Life Leech and Affliction for two monsters or Trample and Fury for two monsters. The interesting fact is that this legendary summoner allows to select cards from two element, Death and Fire unit. Its skin is very attractive.

I was little surprise why there was only four legendary in opposition battle squad. May be possible that it was difficult to add one more legendary in 46 Mana gameplay with seven Mana Lorkus.
It is a legendary rebellion neutral unit. Likewise it is a normal Melee card but due to Charge ability, it can attack from any position to the front monster.
Ambush , Flank, Corrosive , Charge are the origin of Rebellion Edition. These abalities provide some additional benefit to the players.


Earlier Lord of darkness used to be in my favorite list. For a long time I used to rent it. With time I understand that due to its less speed it misses the target often. But but it has so many abilities inside this legendary monster. It is a 7 Mana alpha beta Death unit Monster. This Monster comes with Enrage, Stun and Shield. At level 3 it has 4 Melee attack, 3 speed, 2 armor and 9 health. Being opportunity ruleset, it could be use from any position.


It is an Essence Orb, Death unit Legendary monster. Mostly players use it as a Reach monster with Tank Heal but being an opportunity, it could be used anywhere.
Bedside it Strengthen and Flying are two more abilities of it own. My opposition was using max level of it and at max level it provides 4 Melee attack 3 speed and 8 health.

It was another neutral unit legendary card in 7 Mana. It is a Beta version card. My opposition was using Max level of 8 and 8 match lavel this legendary monster provides Retaliate, Thorn and Heal ability.
Summoner's buffs were applied over it in the form of Fury and Trample. At Max level this Monster comes 10 health, 4 Melee attack and 4 speed. Like Lord of Darkness it also misses the target often. Although it is a Melee card but due to opportunity ruleset, it could attack from any position.


To be honest, this time I did not check my opponent recently played team. Just I saw opportunity ruleset and in opportunity ruleset I choose Soulbound summoner Lobb Lowland with Quora Towershead. To support it I use two Martyr ability monster Venari Marksrat and fungus flinger.

When we revealed our team, I was surprise to see a legendary player against me. I skipped for result. As I know the result. There was not even one percent hope that I would be able to win this battle but when is the result when I was surprise that I was the winner. After that I replay the battle again and again and wached 5 time with single speed.
The interesting fact was that neither I was using any Melee monster in opportunity nor more Flying cards. Similar situation was in opponent battle squad. There was single flying ability card but All Melee Monsters.


First round started with the attack of Regal Peryton that targeted to low health base monster Venka the Vile. After that one quick attack from opponent side and I lost my first martyr monster Venari Marksrat. Blast damage two health of fellow monsters.
Bloodlust applied to Quora and Runemancer Florre.
Florre and Quora have already increased their speed, so now it was turn were for these two cards. Destroyed the first opponent card with 4 magic attack. After that Quora has destroyed another card Xenith Monk.
Bloodlust applied again to Quora and now it's stats was great.
After that one more attack came from Hydra to my lowest health base monster Fungus Flinger. Damaged it and Temple applied but missed. Martyr applied again to Quora and Regal Peryton. Now it was turn for Corrupted Pegasus, damaged for health of Regal.


Second round started with the earthquake that damaged two healths of not Flying Monsters. After 2 quick attack from my side by Regal and Quora. My opposition team lost Corrupted Pegasus. Bloodlust applied again to Quora.
Now it was done for Florre. Four health damaged to Opponent's Lord of darkness. After that two quick attack from Hydra and Lord of Darkness but it was missed. No damage from my side.
4 cards were remaining from my side and 3 in opponent's battle squad. Second round finished and now it was turn for third round.


Third round started again with earthquake and two damage for non flying monsters. With the beginning of third round Quora has already increased its stats with 7 speed, 6 magic attack and 6 Melee attack. Due to Martyr rest two monsters Regal and Florre have also increased their stats.
Now it was done for Quora that destroyed to Lord Of darkness with magic attack and with Melee destroyed to Nightmare. Now Quora's stats reached 9 speed, 29 health, 8 magic and melee attack. Only Hydera was remaining in opponent's battle squad that was destroyed by Regal and Florre in the third round.
I want this battle within three round just losing two martyr ability monsters Venari Marksrat and fungus flinger.

LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITY? to participate in this wonderful gaming platform, then check out the original post from splinterlands**-


*And can also use My referral


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All images, gif, photographs are not mine, it is taken from creator's post and games website Here-
PS- images/stickers taken and edited with Picsart/pixelLab
And all images are taken from Here

It is taken just for post purpose..

Thanks for your valuable time..
Keep On Battling
Have a nice day..

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
