Splinterlands: Weekly Battle mage secrets submission with the Theme Counterspell


Hello splinterlands gaming lovers!
This is my weekly battle mage secrets submission with the Theme

No doubt we can enjoy magic reflect without Owster Rotwell. You must have familiar with Dice Edition 3 mana Rare summoner Owster Rotwell. It is the summoner that provides magic reflect ability for all monsters. Now we are getting the ability without using summoner. Just imagine, all monsters lose their abilities, magic attack will get magic reflected by monster, opportunity and sneak monster do not attack from distance then what will be your battle squads.
Yah must have thought to use a Range additional summoner like General Sloan and Selenia sky. If your opposition thinks like you then what will be the pin-pointing of battle. It was the similar battle rule set in which Back to Basics and Magic reflect ruleset was applied. See my battle squads and think what I did to win. I applied similar strategy for the battle using a return fire summoner instead of using a Range attack additional summoner.


This is another form of Magic reflect that we know as counterspell. There are few monsters who have magic reflect ability but with this ruleset every monster get magic reflect ability. Till now there is a single 3 mana Rare summoner Owster Rotwell from Dice Edition that provides this ability. Despite back to basics ruleset all monsters getting counterspell ability due to ruleset.


Although it was 51 Mana game play, it was a very difficult task to battle without Even Mana monsters. Only odds monsters were active for the battle. Four splinters Fire, Life, Dragon and Earth were active for the battle. In 51 Mana, I was using most of the cards with high Mana.

This is another form of Magic reflect that we know as counter spell. There are few monster who has magic reflect ability but with this ruleset every monster get magic reflect ability.

Odd Ones Out

It is a fantastic rule set in which one have to battle with particular Monsters that having odd Mana. For example 2, 4,6,8,12 and 14 mana monster will not be available for the battle. One have to choose 1,3,7,9,13,mana monster for the battle..

Back to Basics

This battle ruleset is the part of gameplay and one have to perform well by using skill because in this ruleset we do not get Buffs and Dbuffs from monster. Yes we can use the Buffs of Summoners


This is one of the best summoner from Riftwatcher edition. This is an epic card in four mana that provide Return Fire buffs to the Monsters. I purchased this Monster with the beginning of Riftwatcher, when it's price was high for a single card. I could not afford Lir Deepswimmer, so I decided to purchase Ilthan. To be honest, since then I have been enjoying it a lot especially in the Going the Distance ruleset. Need to purchase one card with close range ability in high Mana and health. Beside it one Headwinds monster in 4 mana will be great combination with Ilthan.


It was back to basics ruleset along with counterspell and what's ones out, so it was very difficult task to choose our battle squad. Melee attacks that can perform only from first position and magic monsters will get magic reflect. In this situation I was thinking that my opposition team would come with Range attack.
I was also using a Range attack monster but single in count. My priority was armored base Monster against ranged attack that's why I selected five Monsters with pretty good armor.
I wanted to give in a chance to return fire that I was getting from summoner Ilthan. It could be more interesting if I could use Amplify.
Anyway armor saved me, otherwise I was at the edge of defeat. Here is my battle lineup and you can guess either it was a perfect line up or not against ranged attack.


Mostly I prefer this common Monster at first position due to its pretty good Armor and Heal ability but this time I was using it only for its armor. It is a Riftwatchers origin common monster with a pretty good 3 Melee attack and 3 speed. This Monster comes with 7 armor and 9 health at level 8. Despite the common Monster it's Void Armor and Heal players prefer this card. Unfortunately I was not going to use its ability in this battle as it was back to basic ruleset. I was using it at 1st potion.


This is beast legendary Monster from Chaos legion edition. It is a pure Melee attack monster in 11 mana. This legendary Monster comes with 6 armour and 12 health at level 3. In case of ability then we get recharge, Heal and flying ability inside the monster. If I talk about the stats of the monster then it comes with four Melee attack and three speed but due to back to basics ruleset, all abilities were inactive, just we can use its stats. Due to it's high health and armour, I placed it at second position. There was only single distance monster in My Battle squad, so it was too unable to attack from distance.


This is newly revealed rebellion Neutral common card. It is not only a high Mana Monster but also provides healthy health and armor to the team. To see its flank ability I purchased it from the market and combined it into level 3. It is a 11 Mana Monster and at level 3 we get 6 armor and 13 health. It is a non attacking monster that provides a single speed and Flank ability at level 3. Actually I wanted to use it's pretty good armour and health in back to basics rule set against ranged attack. Flank ability was inactive due to ruleset. I placed this Monster at third position. You can see there were two abilities return fire and magic reflect inside the monster. One from battle ruleset and second from summoner.


It was the 4th Monster that I was using only for armour. Yes we get pretty good 6 health and 9 armour at level 3. It is one of the most useful Neutral Legendary monster from Chaos Legion unit. I was ready for range attack of opponent. It's armor provides extra protection for the team. Really it is a wonderful monster from Chaos Legion Edition. Out of many abilities I like its Giant Killer and Void Armor ability very much. Unfortunately I could use it's only armor and rest of the abilities were disable due to battle ruleset. I was using this Monster at 4th position in battle squad.


It is a three mana common Monster from life unit. This little League monster comes with a magic reflect. Although I was unable to use it due to back to basics rule set and I was also able to use it due to counterspell ruleset. This is a kind of contradictory sentence. There was no use of it in this battle ruleset but this 3 mana monster comes with 4 armor and five health that's why I given place in battle squad and I placed it at 5th position. I was using level 8 of it at this level we get two Melee attack and two speed.


Air elemental is one of my favorite cards. I have used this card at level 4, that's why it is doing 3 range attack with 5 speed. It only costs 5 mana and has a total of 6 health. Although it has its own Dodge and Scattershot ability but I was not going to use it as it was back to basics ruleset too. Due to battle ruleset it has the Return Fire and magic reflect ability too. In return fire, when a card makes a range attack on it, it will return and damage it. In back to basics and magic reflect it was the single distance attacking monster. I wanted to defeat my appointment by return fire. So it was my battle squad with that I was against two magic attacks, two Melee attacks and two ranged attack monsters.



Sometimes everything happens according to our set up. In this battle I got most of the things according to my prejudice. But there is a little change. My opposition team decided to use similarly two Melee at front, two magic monsters and two range attack. Like My Battle squad, my opponent was also giving priority to armor but he forgot to choose high health monsters in 51 mana gameplay. On the contrary I chose 5 Melee monsters with pretty good health and armor. There was a single range attack monster Air elemental in my battle squad. I was not expecting a magic monster but the enemy team came with two magic cards. It made my way more easy. The rest of the task completed by return fire of Ilthan. I won this battle just losing four Monster from my side. So I can say that my strategy and plan work very well.

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PS- images/stickers taken and edited with Picsart/pixelLab
And all images are taken from Here

It is taken just for post purpose..

Thanks for your valuable time..
Keep On Battling
Have a nice day..

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


dear you placed nice lineup and your card position was superb in this battle, nice reivew thank
